The Russian Deception
war with Albania and use it as an excuse to retain power against the popular will."
    Nick's hands began to burn as the blood came back with a vengeance. They felt like they were on fire.
    "If the Russians want Todorovski out of the way they'll try again," he said.
    "It will be difficult. He's been warned now and has surrounded himself with protection."
    "What you have told me cannot be verified."
    "I can only tell you that it is the truth," Josef said.
    "It will be disputed."
    Josef shrugged. "I can't help that. Do you believe me?"
    Nick looked at him and saw a man who believed what he was saying. Something about him seemed authentic. He had freed up their hands, something the terrorists Nick had known would never do. Cutting them free spoke to Josef's nature. For Josef at least, the story was true.
    "Oddly enough, I do," Nick said. "What you said makes a lot of sense, as much sense as any other explanation."
    "You will tell the story?"
    "I'll do my best," Nick said.
    As soon as I can get hold of Harker.
    "Then we're done here. My men will take you back to your car. You must wear the hoods one more time."
    "We need our phones and belongings back."
    Josef said something and one of the men brought their belongings to them. He gave another order and once again the suffocating hood was slipped over Nick's head.
    Someone began arguing with Josef. He wasn't speaking English. Nick couldn't understand what was being said but Selena would know. He thought it might be Viktor speaking. Josef's reply was flat and hard. There were more harsh words. The door opened and then slammed behind someone leaving.
    Nick heard Josef's voice. "If you see me again it will be after the revolution has been accomplished," he said in English. "Goodbye, American."
    Someone took Nick's arm and led him outside. After the warmth of the room the outside was cold and raw. He was put in the back seat of a car. After the hard chair it felt luxurious. He felt Selena settle next to him. Lamont and Ronnie were in a second car.
    The car started and they began to move. She took his hand and leaned close and whispered. He could just make out the words.
    "Someone didn't want to let us go. That's what Josef was arguing about. I think there's trouble."
    Nick squeezed her hand.
    They drove for a little while and then turned onto a rough dirt road, following tracks in the snow. The car came to a stop. Nick resisted the urge to pull off the hood. The car door was yanked open.
    "Get out." The voice was Viktor's. It wasn't friendly.
    "Ditch the hood," Nick said.
    He pulled the sack off his head and threw it on the floor of the car. Selena's followed. They had stopped in the middle of a snow covered clearing in the woods. The second car was right behind them. Lamont and Ronnie were getting out. They had taken off their hoods as well. One of Josef's men was pointing his rifle at them. A second man was looking at them as if he didn't quite understand what was happening.
    Nick opened his door and got out. Viktor stood off to the side. He had an AK pointed at them. He was too far away to disarm without getting shot.
    "What's the problem, Viktor?" Nick asked.
    Lamont and Ronnie came up and stood next to Nick and Selena.
    "Maybe you should have paid him what he asked," Lamont said.
    "You are the problem," Viktor said.
    Nick's ear was beginning to itch and burn. He reached up to scratch it.
    "Let me guess. You're Mitreski's spy. Everything Josef is planning is already going to fail."
    The third man said something angry to Viktor. Viktor swung his rifle around and fired a quick three round burst. Then he turned on the other and shot him as well before he could react.
    "Whoa," Lamont said.
    The white snow turned red around the bodies. Viktor brought the gun to bear on them again.
    "Maybe you used up all your ammo," Nick said.
    Viktor laughed. "There are more than twenty rounds left. More than enough."
    He gestured with the rifle at Ronnie and Lamont. "You and you. Pick those two up and

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