read the reports and know about Ronni Alexander,” she said.
    “Yes. Heart disease. We can’t fix that,” Dage said evenly, his gaze not leaving Olivia’s.
    “I could mate her,” Chalton responded.
    “Oh, hell no,” came an explosion from off camera before Dage’s mate, Emma Kayrs, shoved her way into view. “You are mating for love and no other reason.”
    The queen had piled her dark hair atop her head and wore her customary white lab coat over T-shirt and jeans. Her belly had slightly protruded as her second trimester had begun.
    “How are you feeling, Emma?” Chalton asked softly.
    “Huge, but I’m not throwing up any longer,” Emma said cheerfully, her curious gaze seeking out Olivia. “There will be no arranged mating.”
    Olivia scooted to the edge of the bed. “You’re the queen? The scientist?”
    “That’s me.” Emma leaned into Dage’s side as if she belonged just there, which she did.
    The king instantly softened somehow, putting an arm around his mate.
    “Good. With all of your resources, you must be able to prevent heart failure,” Olivia pressed, her concern riding the airwaves around her.
    Emma frowned. “No, I’m sorry. I’ve been trying to mutate some of our research to cure cancer, but I haven’t even been able to do that yet. The human body and diseases are so much stronger than current research.” She sighed. “I’m very sorry.”
    Olivia sat back, her shoulders slumping. “She’s telling the truth.”
    Emma’s gaze sharpened. “Are you enhanced?”
    “Apparently,” Olivia muttered.
    Emma glanced from Olivia to Chalton and then back again. “Well, isn’t this interesting?”
    Amusement glimmered in Dage’s silver eyes. “Yes.”
    Emma pressed both hands to her hips and leaned toward the camera. “How are you even considering mating somebody else when, well, it’s so obvious, Chalton.”
    One did not just tell the queen of the Realm to bugger off and mind her own business. “Nothing is obvious, Queen Kayrs,” Chalton said gently.
    She snorted. “You only call me that when you’re irritated and trying to deflect.”
    Dage rolled his eyes. “Stop teasing Chalton. He doesn’t have a sense of humor.”
    “Yes, he does,” Olivia shot back. “He’s very funny.”
    Emma’s mouth dropped open, and Dage’s cheek creased in a half-smile.
    Emma turned to her mate. “Oh, this is fun.”
    Dage nodded and then sobered. “Seriously. How much danger are you in, and should I send backup? Talen has returned from Iceland, and he’s pissy I sent you on a mission without him.”
    Chalton’s chest warmed. He had two families—his brothers and the Realm. “Tell Talen I can handle my own mission.”
    “He knows that but feels left out.” Dage spoke to Olivia. “Talen is my brother and our strategic planner, and he’s the sensitive one around here.”
    Chalton chuckled. Talen was about as sensitive as a brick chimney. “Tell him to take up yoga and relax.”
    Dage laughed. “Talen and yoga? I’d pay a small fortune to see that.” His smile slid away. “Seriously. How are you doing?”
    Ah. There was the meddling, pain in the ass, too worried king that was more of a friend. “I’m fine, Dage. I haven’t had to kill anybody, and the reunion with my brothers only involved a few bruises.”
    “Good.” Dage studied him, probing deep. “It’s time you made up with your brothers.”
    “I know.” Chalton fought against the dull needle pricking his brain. The king was trying to read his mind. “Get the fuck out of my head.”
    Emma slapped Dage.
    Dage shrugged. “Just checking. Good mental block, by the way.”
    Olivia glanced from one to the other, looking a little dazed. “I think Chalton is fine—I mean, he was just trying to blackmail me into having sex with him.”
    Emma coughed, her eyes widening. “Chalton? Really?” Her gaze swung to him, and he could actually feel his face heating. “Was he successful?”
    “I haven’t

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