Have Gown, Need Groom
Still, male pride reared its stubborn head and he heard himself say, “Look, doc, I know you’re a busy lady. If you need to go back to the hospital, I can take care of myself.”
    “My shift’s over for today. I’m sure you’re still tired from the surgery though, so I’ll only stay long enough to make sure you’re fed and tucked in bed.”
    That image definitely disturbed him. As if she read his lascivious thoughts, she scurried away to the kitchen like a doe caught in the headlights of a car. If she intended to spy on him for her dad, she certainly lacked experience or else she’d probably already be trying to seduce the truth from him.
    From his position on the sofa, he saw her bend over to search for a pot in his tiny kitchen. Her long black skirt stretched taut across a firm little backside, rising slightly to give him an enticing view of her ankles.
    Good lord, he was getting turned on by her ankles.
    This little plan of his might be more difficult than he’d imagined.
    “I hope you like chicken soup, although I picked up a can of vegetable and one of clam chowder, or I could make you a sandwich. I know the hospital food is less than desirable. You probably ate instant pudding and their eggs taste like rubber and—”
    “I’m not a picky eater,” he said, chuckling at the way she rambled on. For some reason, the good doctor seemed nervous as hell around him. Because they were in his apartment alone? It certainly wasn’t like he had enough energy to attack her after just being shot. Of course, she might feel weird being near him after her recent breakup with that shrink. Maybe she’d already started plotting a reconciliation.
    He flipped on the TV, frowning at the news report. A short clip highlighted news of the attempted robbery, flashing a brief photo of Jake and the subsequent arrest of the punk responsible for the shooting. Finally the reporter switched to international news. Jake prayed his cover wouldn’t be blown by the picture.
    “The soup’s heating.” She appeared in the doorway again, her slender arms folded across her waist, accentuating the enticing sight of her breasts. “Can I get you anything else? Ginger ale, a soda, coffee?”
    “Maybe some coffee.”
    Her shy gaze met his and he felt sucker punched. He wanted to assure her she could relax beside him, that he wouldn’t hurt her, but his words would be a lie. Her hesitancy to get near him suggested she wouldn’t warm to the idea either. Vulnerability was written all over her delicate features, evident in the way she held herself in the doorway edge, the way she refused to stay still for more than two seconds.
    An odd reaction for such a beautiful tempting woman. Or was she simply being coy? Since she’d called off her engagement, she’d have her choice of men pursuing her, all kinds of doctors, other professionals. Distinguished physicians whose salaries were quadruple his. Men who had degrees from Ivy League schools, who drove fancy sports cars, men who had intelligence and brains and the class he’d never have. Yet, as comfortable as she’d been in the ER, her little display of nerves made him want to reach out and comfort her. Tease her until she released those inhibitions and let down her defenses around him. After all, he had to win her trust if she was going to confide the details of Wiley’s business….
    She disappeared into the kitchen again, gliding back seconds later with a tray laden with soup, crackers, a cup of hot coffee and a slender flower vase holding a single red rose. His eyes narrowed, his stomach knotted. What the…?
    “I thought it might cheer you up,” Hannah said when his gaze flew to her face.
    Nobody had ever given Jake Tippins a flower. He didn’t know why the gesture snuck under his skin. Maybe because his own mother hadn’t bothered to take care of him when he’d been sick as a child. She’d left him to fend for himself.
    “Jake, are you okay?”
    He dragged his gaze away from her

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