Irish Seduction
remembering that she was in the room and that their conversation was not fit for a lady’s ears.
    “Mother, forgive me,” Jasper said. “I let my anger and frustration get the better of me. Richard, I apologize. This is not your fault, it is on my shoulders and I will have to live with whatever the gods hand out to us.”
    “Since when have we not shared our problems?” Richard watched the internal war going on in his friend’s head. “Is this not why you asked me to dinner tonight, to find a solution to your problems?” He moved over to the fireplace and looked at the flames before turning back to face Jasper. “Just because you couldn’t keep you pants on doesn’t mean that I don’t want to help you. It is just such a shock to find out who your latest bed partner is.”
    “Do you seriously think that I planned this? At first I thought it was just a dream and I enjoyed every minute of it, any red-blooded man would. It wasn’t until the morning after she gave herself to me completely that I realized that it was no dream, it was real.” Jasper ran his hand through his hair and shook his head. “Can you imagine my shock when I met her in the flesh? My mind was reeling. I had no idea what to do.”
    “Could you not have told her there and then that you could not see her again?” asked Richard.
    “Aye, I tried man, believe me I tried. I am afraid that I cannot deny her. My heart takes over when my head tells me it is all wrong. I love her and she feels the same. I know it is a relationship that is doomed for disaster, but I cannot help how I feel about her. I will take whatever punishment Helan dishes out to me when he finds out. My only concern is for my people.”
    “This will be bad, Jasper. I know it will,” Richard said, shaking as though a shiver had run over his skin.
    “Why don’t we concentrate on the main reason for this meeting? My affair with a goddess is something that I will face after this wish is granted. For now we have to come up with something that will serve our people well for we will not get another chance,” Jasper said.
    They talked long into the night, often arguing, and sometimes consoling each other. The ideas came thick and fast and behind each suggestion, Jasper tried to find a way to bring in a resolution that would ease the need and pain that tore at his heart.
    Long after his mother retired for the night, Jasper sat by the side of the dying firelight with Richard, trying to come up with a solution. Each idea had been stretched to its limit while they tried to find the best possible answer. At the edge of dawn, they admitted defeat and crawled off to find some solace in their beds before the sun called them to another day.

Chapter Six
    Jasper opened his eyes when he heard his bedroom door creak. His manservant entered with a jug of warm water for his morning wash. He poured the water into a bowl and bowed before leaving the room.
    Jasper struggled to rise. His body screamed out for more sleep, but he could not indulge himself. He had a farm to run, people to look out for. Personal needs came second behind those of his people and his commitments.
    The lack of sleep had done nothing to ease the turmoil in his mind. Jasper struggled out of bed and splashed cold water over his face in an attempt to wake himself up. He ran the washcloth over his body, more by routine than intention. When his hands made contact with his genitals, his cock twitched and he sighed with frustration. Leona had not come to see him and he missed her greatly. Already he was becoming used to having her in his bed. Apart from the lovemaking, he enjoyed her company. She was a bewitching young woman. Her body held him in awe as did the woman herself. She was beautiful and clever, bold and loving. Just the perfect mate for him. Apart from the fact that they could never be together, everything was just peachy.
    He threw the washcloth down in disgust. Jasper turned to his wardrobe and wrenched open the doors,

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