No One to Trust
made him feel powerful sitting behind the large thing. Now it could
burn to ashes for all he cared.
    His father had been wrong and now Orlando
would pay the price for it. But not if he got to Elizabeth first.
No matter what Benny said, Orlando knew the degenerate wouldn’t let
her die. He’d trade his soul before that happened.
    As he managed to calm his erratic breathing
he realized that things had drastically changed. He needed
Elizabeth now for more than just arm candy and he didn’t care about
the collateral damage anymore. One way or another he’d find and
keep her. In doing so he’d bring Benny to his death and keep all
his secrets. If he didn’t and what Benny had stolen got out…Orlando
was a walking dead man.

Chapter 6
    Porter tried to keep his eyes on the road but
was finding it increasingly harder to keep his focus off Elizabeth.
She wore a form-fitting, strapless dark blue dress that hugged all
her curves and showed off miles of sexy tanned legs. Sitting in the
passenger seat next to him, her legs were crossed, causing the slit
that ran up her thigh to splay open seductively. But he knew she
wasn’t trying to tease him. She’d been completely distracted from
the moment they’d gotten into his SUV. Probably because they’d left
the relative safety of his home and she knew she wasn’t as guarded
    Even though he didn’t doubt his ability to
protect her, he’d had a team of guys assigned downstairs to cover
the elevator entrance from the parking garage of his condo and two
guys standing guard directly outside his front door. Not subtle and
definitely not a long-term option but for now it was the only
choice they had.
    He had to keep Elizabeth safe.
    And if he had his way they wouldn’t have left
his condo for anything in the world. Anything except his
younger brother’s engagement party. Porter and Elizabeth were both
in the wedding—he as the best man and she as the maid of honor.
There would be extra security at the party and it was a very low
key affair, not highly publicized, so he wasn’t worried about
anything happening on site. It was transporting Elizabeth there
that had him worried. He didn’t like bringing her out in the
    “Are you worried about tonight?” Her quiet
voice echoed through the vehicle’s interior and he found her
staring intently at him, her brown eyes wide. She wore her emotions
so vividly, it pained him to see the worry in her gaze.
    Hell yeah. “No. Security will be tight
and we’re not going to stay that long. Just long enough to make an
appearance, do some toasts and then I’m getting you out of there.”
He’d expected an argument but when she simply nodded he realized
how scared she must be.
    Not that it was surprising, but after Grant
had stopped by so she could look at mug shots—a fruitless
exercise—she’d holed up in his guestroom the past couple hours
working on her laptop. She’d been so wrapped up in her work he’d
had to remind her when it was time to get ready for the party. At
her parent’s house they’d briefly argued about her keeping her
brother’s letter a secret from him, but he hadn’t had the heart to
push her too much. Tomorrow morning they planned to go to Porter’s
bank to see if it was the right bank for the safe deposit key. The
‘M’ engraved onto it was a very distinctive symbol for one of the
biggest banks in Miami. Since he had a key almost identical to the
one Benny had left, it was the best starting point.
    If her brother had been smart, he’d have put
her name on the account but until they got there they wouldn’t
know. Whatever was inside that box—if anything—had better redeem
Benny or Porter was ready to hurt the guy himself. Well, after
Orlando Salas.
    With Elizabeth so subdued and not even
mustering enough attitude to argue with him—he found he missed her
feistiness more than he’d ever admit to her.
    “I hate that I’ve dragged you into this
mess,” she said quietly.
    Frowning, he

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