Phoenix Broken
his staff gone, the vampire faced Des, his expression cold.
    "Tell me why you went after Scott."
    “I didn't 'go after' him. Dolter nunhept! I didn't even know his real name until you called him by it.” Scott. Des suppressed a shiver. “We met, by chance, at a club last night. We danced. I couldn't help but sense his need, and yes, I was looking for a fix, but that was all. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I told you, I don't do that."
    Miles waved a hand, effectively cutting her off. “Let's not rehash your oh-so-altruistic nature, Desdemona. Let's stick to you and Scott hooking up. This was at Centaries, I take it?”
    She nodded, wondering how he knew that and feeling uneasy.
    “Scott was there for a job, not pleasure.” He leaned a hip against the table. “I take it you helped him work in both.”
    “A job,” she said, ignored the snideness that seemed almost forced and thinking of her friend Guido instead. It was his club. Well, he managed it anyway. And Des knew damn well who he managed it for. "What does that mean?”
    The vampire's eyes shone faintly blue in the dim light. “None of your business. However…" His gaze turned speculative. "You're aware of what this foundation's purpose is, are you not?"
    “Sort of.” Des shrugged, but she did know Phoenix Inc. was more than just a political powerhouse for para advancement. All shades did. Even half ones.
    She'd heard the rumors.
    Phoenix Inc. was the go-to place if you had a problem with shades that the authorities couldn’t solve. Problems that might require a less than legal solution.
    Or a permanent one.
    And Phoenix was apparently snooping around Centaries. A club owned by the Convenīre.
    Like her.
    Like Guido.
    What'd her Johnny been working on when he’d found her? Who was he, anyway—this man Miles called Scott?
    She knew one thing—he was a para if he worked here. That was a given. Des wondered what his gift was. And she wondered what he knew about the Convenīre. Did he know how dangerous they were?
    A chill danced down her spine. She did.
    “I see that you know enough. Well, to further that purpose, sometimes we need information about places like Centaries. I believe the demon who runs that club is your friend. Calimente.” Miles' tone was considering, but it wasn't a question. It gave her a chill that he knew Guido's true surname. Not many outside the Saandon would.
    Of course, it was to be expected that Miles knew all about her. She was sitting on a dossier with her name stamped on it right now. He'd intended that to intimidate her—which it had.
    Des had purposely planted her ass on it to show him what she thought of that.
    She wondered how detailed his information was, because 'friend' didn’t really encompass the breadth of her relationship with Guido Calimente.
    She'd known the demon since the cradle. Hers, not his. Guido had told her many times how when he'd first laid eyes on her, he'd pinched her, just to make the little half-breed cry. When she had, her tears had made him feel bad, an emotion he was totally unfamiliar with. So he'd promptly made silly faces until he had her smiling and laughing again. Guido claimed he'd became enamored, rocking her to sleep, then standing by her cradle to ensure nothing and no one disturbed her.
    Not much had changed in their relationship since.
    Guido was many things to her; part adored first crush, part tormenting and exasperating big brother, and part self-imposed protector, guardian and teacher. Des loved him more than anyone left on this earth.
    If Miles thought she would betray him, even to secure her life, the vampire was sorely mistaken.
    The vampire must've read some of this in her eyes, because his look sharpened. For a second, Des thought she saw the ghost of a smile, then it was gone. Probably a trick of the light.
    “I'm not going to ask you to spy on Calimente, Desdemona. I care nothing for his personal affairs. We don't need intel on your friend."
    She let out a

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