The Replacement Wife

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Book: The Replacement Wife by Eileen Goudge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eileen Goudge
sound of her heart breaking. “We’ll see.”
    She glanced again at Edward, who she could see was struggling with his own emotions. She watched him swallow before saying in a hoarse voice, “Your mom is getting the best care possible. That much I can promise.”
    “Plus, I’m counting on you guys,” Camille said. “Hugs and kisses are the best medicine, as we all know.” She looked pointedly at her teenaged daughter, who sat with her arms crossed over her chest scowling at no one in particular.
    “It’s so unfair !” Kyra burst out.
    Camille put an arm around her. “I know, honey. But life isn’t always fair.”
    “We’ll just have to pull together like the last time,” Edward said.
    “You mean like when you were in charge and we had pizza every night for a week?” Kyra gently reproached. “Dad, I’m sorry, but you’re hopeless.”
    They all laughed, and Camille breathed a sigh of relief. The children were taking it in stride. They seemed fine. Mostly. That night, when she tucked Zach into bed, he wanted his teddy bear in addition to the night-light on. And Kyra ignored the usual flood of phone calls and text messages from her friends, choosing instead to cuddle with Camille on the sofa while they watched TV.
    Dara and Holly were the only ones to whom she’d confided the whole truth. Dara, after the initial shock wore off, had the right attitude. Instead of projecting an air of gloom, she used gallows humor to lighten the atmosphere around the office. Like when she quipped, after Camille had gotten off the phone with a client who’d whined that there were no “truly hot” guys left, “Maybe you could have a word with Heath Ledger when you get to the other side, and see if you can get him to come back.” Trust Dara to keep the elephant in the room in plain sight. Holly was trying her best, too, though it was more difficult for her. If Dara made bearable what would otherwise be awkward and oppressive, it was Camille’s sister who provided a sounding board.
    “Edward’s pissed at me,” Camille told her. It was the last week in April, and they were at the obstetrician’s, Holly seated on the examining table dressed in a paper gown while they waited for her doctor. Holly had asked Camille along because today was the day of her first ultrasound: She wanted her sister to share the experience when she got her first look at her unborn child.
    “If he is, it’s at the situation, not you,” Holly replied.
    “No, it’s more than that,” Camille insisted. “He acts like I have a choice. ”
    Holly sighed and reached for Camille’s hand. “It’s hard for us all, Cam. Here I am feeling guilty for bringing a new life into the world while you’re—” She broke off, her eyes welling with tears. “Damn. Now look what you made me do.” Camille snatched up a box of what at a quick glance looked to be tissues, and they both laughed when Holly withdrew a latex examining glove instead. She held it up, limp and wrinkled, observing, “Reminds me of a condom. Though it’s a little late for that, in my case.”
    “I won’t have you feeling guilty,” Camille said after they had both dried their eyes. She gave her sister an admonishing look. “This is supposed to be the happiest time of your life. I, for one, am thrilled about the baby.” I just hope I live to see it born . “It certainly took you long enough.”
    “God, remember that pregnancy scare I had in high school? I was scared I was going to end up pushing a stroller while all my friends were graduating. I was never so happy to get my period. Now I’ll probably be the only one in Mommy and Me who got knocked up from a one-night stand.”
    Camille smiled and shook her head. Her sister had always gone her own way. Why should this be any different? Camille recalled how scandalized she’d been when Holly lost her virginity, at fourteen, to a popular senior at their school whom she’d known all of three weeks. “He won’t respect you now,”

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