Deep Down True

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Book: Deep Down True by Juliette Fay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliette Fay
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Family Life
well, but it always helps to have a woman around—a mom,” he corrected himself, “to make them feel at home and secure.”
    “It’s nice of you to call and say so.”
    “Yes, well, uh . . . I didn’t just call for that. I wanted to . . . Well, at first I thought I’d hold off during the season. I am Stelly’s coach. As you know.”
    Yes, she was fairly clear on this point—what on earth was he getting at? “You’re doing a wonderful job,” she assured him.
    “Thanks. Thanks a lot.” He took a breath and exhaled noisily into his receiver. “So . . . it would be good to get together sometime. Like I said, I was half thinking I shouldn’t ask until after the playoffs. You know, so it wouldn’t look funny to the other parents. Like I might give Stelly more playing time or something. But I wouldn’t do that. That’s not the kind of coach I am.”
    A date? Was he asking her on a date? “Oh!” she said. “No, you wouldn’t . . .”
    “And then I thought, hey—it’s none of their business! We’re not in the military, it’s not like there’s some law against . . . what’s it called . . . ”
    “Fraternizing,” Dana said. She sat down on the floor, unfolded sheets lying around her like snowdrifts. How long had it been since she’d been asked out on a date? Since Kenneth, of course. And that had been eighteen years ago.
    “Right! And I don’t feel like waiting four weeks to ask you out. Who knows—maybe you’d be going with someone else by then and I’d have lost my chance. Oh, but . . .” His voice went low all of a sudden. “Are you seeing anyone? Because I’m not the kind of guy to horn in.”
    Dana almost laughed. Seeing someone? Not hardly! His little pokes and arm squeezes were the first physical contact she’d had with a man since her marriage had imploded. It was embarrassing how such piddling crumbs of flirtation had made her pulse race. “No, I . . . I’m available.”
    “Well, that’s great! So I was thinking maybe Saturday.”
    This was the point of decision. This was yes or no....
    “If you’re not interested, that’s fine,” he said quickly. “No hard feelings.”
    Her mind flicked to Kenneth’s look of horror in the stands, then to his condo, where Tina’s light blue furniture now roamed freely, dominating the landscape.
    “I’m interested,” she said. “I’d be very happy to go out with you.”
    “Yes.” As soon as the word was out of her mouth, she was second-guessing herself. How well did she know this man? Was she even attracted to him? He was good-looking—tall and muscular and blue-eyed. Though his eyes were so close together as to be located almost on the bridge of his nose. And he yelled a lot. Which was probably just a coaching thing. Still . . .
    “This weekend isn’t the best, though,” she said quickly. “I have the kids, and I tend to make social plans on the weekends they’re with their father.” This was true, but the sad fact was she rarely had any plans at all on the weekends.
    “Oh.” He sounded disappointed. “That’s about two weeks from now.”
    She offered an apologetic sigh. “I’m sorry.”
    “No, that’s fine. Really! It’s nothing to worry about. Let’s call it for that Saturday, and I’ll give you a jingle in a week or so with some details. How’s that for a plan?”
    “Great.” That gave her two whole weeks to process all this—two weeks to worry, she realized. “And thanks for asking.”
    “Thanks for saying yes!”
    When the call ended, Dana put her hand over her mouth and squeezed but couldn’t subdue a wide grin. She had gone from Unwanted to Wanted in the course of a phone call!
    Alder appeared and leaned in the doorjamb, crossing her arms. “He asked you out,” she said.
    Dana picked up a towel to fold. “I guess he did. Grady’s coach—that one from the—”
    “Yeah, I know. The huge guy who kept touching you.”
    The skin prickled along Dana’s scalp. “Was it that obvious?

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