of knocking her off a cliff. Now he wanted to hook up with her?
    Either he was enchanted, or he’d lost his mind.
    Zach quickly went over every single command she’d given him. He had followed them to the letter, but he’d had his reasons. He’d been pretending to be under the spell. Right? Just pretending . But what if that was how the spell worked? What if the enchanted guy always rationalized why he obeyed? It could be part of the magic.
    He had given her his jacket so she wouldn’t figure out he was onto her. Later, he had patted his head and rubbed his stomach. Then, he’d played basketball for her. The question was—could he have stopped himself? Or was she that powerful?
    Zach stared at Kristen, jaw tight. Truly scared, his life flashed before his eyes, his life and Morgan’s. They were both at risk. In a flash, the warm, protective feeling he’d had for Kristen died a quick death. Pure hatred replaced it. If it were the last thing he ever did, he would make her pay for blowing that pink crap into his face.
    Cyndi walked by with boyfriend Jake Petrie dogging her footsteps. It was clear to everyone except Jake that he was annoying her. He was babbling like an idiot, asking her all sorts of questions. “Do you like Coke or Pepsi? What about singing in the shower? Do you do that? I like to ice skate. Maybe I can take you with me next time. Do you like to ice skate? If you don’t, then I don’t like it, either. I would give up anything for you, Cyn.”
    Cyndi shot him a sideways glare but said nothing. She grabbed the dial on her locker and spun it around. Jake dropped to his knees next to her and cried, “I love you! I love everything about you.”
    “ Stop it! ” she hissed. “Everyone is looking. What is wrong with you today?”
    “I want the whole world to know how much I love you.”
    “Well, I want to be alone for a while. I can’t think when you’re constantly talking.”
    “Please, tell me something I can do for you. Anything. I would do absolutely anything to make you happy.”
    Cyndi turned on him, smoke practically shooting from her nostrils. “You want to do something for me? Go jump off a bridge.”
    “ No! ”
    Kristen screamed the word and dropped her coffee cup on the floor. The lid flew off, and lukewarm liquid splashed Zach’s boots. Leaving him standing at her locker alone, she rushed over to her sister and dragged her to an empty corner, where she whispered feverish words in the other girl’s ear. Since Zach couldn’t hear what was going on, he studied their expressions. Cyndi’s went from shock to anger in a split second.
    After sharing a vicious glare with Kristen, she went to Jake and asked him to join her outside for a quick chat. Happy to comply, he followed her like a puppy about to get a treat, and that was when the truth hit Zach square between the eyes. Jake Petrie had been enchanted, but not by Cyndi. Kristen had done the dirty deed.
    Zach leaned against Kristen’s locker, arms folded over his chest. Kristen’s unhappy gaze followed her sister. Wrapped up in her own drama, she didn’t notice him watching her. He didn’t know what to think about this latest development. Once again, Kristen had used her powers to play God, but she’d done it to save her sister from being hurt. As much as he wanted to hate her for it, he understood why she’d done it. He understood crossing the line to protect a sibling.
    Brittany strutted up to Kristen with a freshman in tow and a sour expression on her face as if she’d been sucking on lemons. The boy gazed at her with open adoration. Feeling trouble coming, Zach moved closer so he could hear what was going on.
    “Tell my sister what you just did for me,” Brittany said.
    The boy obeyed immediately. “Car-surfing in the parking lot.”
    Kristen frowned. “You can’t ask him to do something dangerous like that, Britt. He could have gotten hurt. What is wrong with you?”
    “OMG! Turn the drama-dial down a notch! He’s

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