Claimed by the Grizzly

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Book: Claimed by the Grizzly by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
Tags: The Halloways
be with them. Then, a week before we were attacked, he was telling me to go to them if anything happened, to beg them to take me in.”
    “What do you think caused that change of heart?” Sidia asked as they reached the top of the stairs and headed down the hall toward Jaeda’s room.
    Jaeda shrugged. “He didn’t say. Then we were attacked, and I barely made it here to my mate.”
    “We did make it, though, and Xandra will, too. We’ll all be together again. We have to be strong, Jaeda. It’s up to us to show the others they don’t have anything to fear here. Animal law means they’ll have their pick of the strongest and fittest among us. Those chosen by Laramie will be doing everything they can to make our sister look their way. She’ll be treasured by the man she chooses, true mate or not. They all will.”
    “You’re right,” Jaeda agreed, pushing open the door. “Holt and I don’t have much stuff yet. His is still in Oklahoma with the pride he belonged to before. I didn’t have much with me when I got here.”
    “I have a few things in my backpack from home,” Sidia admitted. “Pictures Nicholas helped me find before I left with him. I’ll show you as soon as I figure out where it is.”
    “We’ll search for it as soon as we get my stuff moved,” Jaeda promised then hugged Sidia tight. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
    “Me, too,” Sidia agreed, hugging her twin back. “Me, too.”

    Chapter Nine
    Koby and Holt stepped into the hallway together on the same mission, finding their mates. Laramie had gone into explicit detail on what he wanted them to keep their eyes open for. Holt’s senses were still new, but he wasn’t burdened by knowing anything about the people who would show up. He didn’t share a history with any of them, so his opinions wouldn’t be weighted by anything other than the now. Laramie had been smart to put Holt with Koby.
    Koby’s sense were a well-tuned machine. He needed to make time to work with Holt on honing his. The ex-marine was a hell of an asset to them, bringing new views and ways of analyzing things. Now that the issue of a mate wasn’t between them, it was easy to remember how much he’d liked Holt. They were mated to twins. It gave them a closer bond.
    “You okay with me being one of the enforcers for Laramie?” Holt asked as they walked.
    “I would have suggested it myself,” Koby admitted.
    Holt seemed to contemplate that for a moment then nodded. “Think any of the others will have a problem with it?”
    “No,” Koby stated without question.
    “That confident, huh?” Holt quipped.
    “They won’t question it. They might wait to see what you can handle before they offer friendship, but once you’ve proven yourself to them, they’ll give it.”
    “No pressure then,” Holt joked. “Good to know.”
    Koby laughed. “You’ll be fine. Give them that speech you gave me. The one about being a fucking Marine and bears not being your equal. They’ll love that.”
    Holt snorted. “I’ll keep that in mind, just in case.”
    They had just hit the steps leading downstairs when Holt grasped Koby’s forearm and halted him.
    “I’m glad Sidia was the one for you. I can see how close the two of you have already become, and I’m happy for you both.”
    “It’s a true match,” Koby said. “Like you and Jaeda. We’re lucky. I want the same for my brothers but realize the odds aren’t favorable for all of them.”
    “Not if there are only five other female bears out there,” Holt agreed. “Which brings me to my question. What if Laramie doesn’t mate? Who takes over as alpha after him? You?”
    “Whoever gives birth to the next Kodiak,” Koby said. “All six of my brothers and I have the ability to seed a child who holds the DNA of the Kodiak bear. We are all our father’s sons, which means we all carry the trait.”
    “So to seize control of the pack, the traitor would need to kill all of you?”
    “Yes,” Koby

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