The Enemy Inside

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Book: The Enemy Inside by Steve Martini Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Martini
can’t say that I blame her. Growing up without a mother—Nikki died of cancer when Sarah was young—was only part of it. Having to hide out from a psychotic named Liquida, a killer hired by the Mexican cartels who crossed my path like a black cat, the result of my practice, was enough to send Sarah packing.
    She has no interest in being a lawyer or anywhere near a courtroom. I have at least cured her of that. I have often wondered why it is that children, when they come of age, often shy away from what their parents do for a living. The tailor’s son won’t make clothes and the banker’s boy wants to be a doctor.
    A few of Sarah’s friends have come to me asking for letters of support to law schools. Of course, when they’ve asked me about a career in law, I do what every other lawyer does. I lie. What others perceive as lucrative and glamorous, your own kid sees up close for what it is, rancorous, dispute-ridden, and sometimes dangerous. They should ask Sarah. Criminal law is largely long hours, seedy clients, uncertain pay, and short-tempered judges, the stuff of which ulcers are made. How do you tell that to some bright-eyed grad with sufficient grades to get into Stanford? You don’t want to pop their balloon with the barbed stinger of cynicism. Listen, kid, the only reason the system tolerates you at all is that it grinds on and could not grind without you. Like the tango, human dispute is impossible without at least two to argue. The criminal defense lawyer’s sole claim to existence.
    Suddenly, a shadow from the other side of the car. Herman taps on the window. I reach over and unlock the door. He slips into the passenger seat and closes the door behind him.
    “The place is upstairs.” Herman points down the street toward a line of buildings on the other side. “It’s hopping,” he says. He’s already checked it out. “Place is like an old speakeasy. You don’t see or hear a thing ’til you get inside. Then they got a subwoofer give you a nosebleed,” he says.
    “Late on a weekday in the afternoon I can’t imagine they’d be doing that much business.”
    “Guess again,” says Herman. “Lotta pent-up libido in this town. Not what it used to be when the navy was young.” Herman is right. San Diego used to be a military town, mostly navy and marines. At one time, I am told, the shore patrol combed the bars and clubs downtown like they owned them. But that was decades past. Whoever is running Darkstone’s Bar and Grill is probably paying somebody to look the other way.
    “Did you have any trouble getting in?” I ask.
    Herman shook his head. “As long as you pay the cover, they open the door,” he says. “Top of the stairs they got a steel door thick as a safe, speaker system, and a camera. You talk nice, they let you in. Inside’s like an air lock. Once the door closes, they own you. They frisk you with a metal wand, check your ID, look you up and down and see if they smell a cop. If not, you pay and they let you in.”
    “How much?”
    “That’s the rub,” says Herman. “A hundred bills.”
    I look at him in disbelief.
    “They take a credit card,” he says. “I guess they figure, you can pay, you must be a gentleman. You get two drinks and you can talk to the girls. Anything more, the sky’s gonna be the limit,” he says. “I’m only guessin’, of course.” He smiles at me as he says it.
    “You’re sure she works there?” I am talking about the girl we know as Ben, the one who invited Alex Ives to the party and the fiery crash afterward that he can’t remember.
    “Yeah. I talked to one of the girls who works there, showed her the picture I got from the tattoo shop owner, and the gal ID’ed her. Says her name is Crystal. Stage name, of course. None of them use their real names at work. Said Crystal works the evening shift, four to whenever things go slack. They try to catch the guys going home from work. Noon until two or three in the afternoon, and then four thirty

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