p. cm.
Summary: At sunset, when their work is done for the day, a crane truck, a cement mixer, and other pieces of construction equipment make their way to their resting places and go to sleep.
ISBN 978-0-8118-7782-4 (alk. paper)
[1. Stories in rhyme. 2. Construction equipment—Fiction. 3. Trucks—Fiction.] I. Lichtenheld, Tom, ill. II. Title.
PZ8.3.R48123Goo 2011
Book design by Tom Lichtenheld and Amelia May Anderson.
The illustrations in this book were rendered in Neocolor wax oil pastels on Mi-Teintes paper.
Jacket illustrations © 2011 by Tom Lichtenheld.
Jacket design by Jan Miller, Tom Lichtenheld, and Amelia May Anderson.
Chronicle Books LLC
680 Second Street,
San Francisco, California 94107