Beware of Virtuous Women

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Book: Beware of Virtuous Women by Kasey Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kasey Michaels
than calling me down to the drawing room I've yet to fully fathom. You said that you couldn't have me flinching, drawing back, when you showed the most mundane of husbandly attentions. I've begun to realize that you may be right, especially as we'll have guests right here, at your own—our own—dinner table."
    As she spoke, Jack watched that expressive little face. "You know what it is? You've never been kissed, have you, Eleanor Becket? One and twenty and living isolated at Becket Hall—you've never been kissed."
    "I don't see where that has to enter into the—please let me go."
    Jack lifted his hands, that had been only lightly resting on her shoulders. "I haven't actually been holding you, Eleanor."
    "But I could be," he suggested, replacing his hands, this time curling his fingers around her upper arms. "It's not often a man has the opportunity to taste a woman's first kiss. I'd be honored. As an experiment."
    "Now you're making fun of me." Eleanor was mortified. But she wasn't moving. She'd noticed that, that she wasn't moving away from him.
    Jack was suddenly ashamed of himself. She was probably right. At least partially right. He slid his hands down her arms and took hold of her left hand, leading her over to the chairs flanking the fireplace. "We should talk."
    Eleanor was more than happy to sit down, as her knees were shaking. She watched as Jack took up the facing chair on the other side of a low table, lounging in the chair with an ease she couldn't muster for herself as she sat perched on the edge of her own seat. She must look like a hopeful applicant wishing for employment; back ramrod straight, feet close together, hands folded in her lap. And, if not the applicant, then the prissy old maid about to ask to see any letters of recommendation.
    But if she sat back in the large chair her feet would no longer touch the floor, and that would be just too embarrassing. Did people really think she liked sitting in the small, straight-backed chairs she always gravitated to, for pity's sake? Tall people, and everyone in her world seemed to be tall, didn't have to consider such things the way people who barely topped five feet in height did.
    She remained silent as Jack sort of slouched sideways in his seat, his elbow on one arm of the chair, his chin in his hand. Looking at her.
    She waited for him to speak, fill the silence.
    And waited.
    Inside Jack's head, he was counting:... twelve... thirteen...fourteen...I'm not going to do it...fifteen...sixteen...come on, sweetheart, your turn...seventeen...
    ", you mentioned that you have visited Becket Hall a few times. After your first stay while you were recovering from...well, you know that part. But I doubt you paid much attention to the general running of the household. After all, men don't, do they? So perhaps I should explain more about how we... how we go on." She stopped, sighed as she realized what had just happened, how he had tricked her into filling the silence. "You really are the most annoying man."
    "Yes, so I've heard. But you're both right and wrong, Eleanor. I have been to Becket Hall, and I'm not so dense or unobservant that I haven't noticed that it's a rather unique establishment. That you're a rather unique family."
    "I find us to be quite natural, but that's probably because I really can't remember anything else."
    "I thought you said you'd arrived at Becket Hall at the age of six. That's when Ainsley.. .found you?" Jack didn't know if there was another term for what Ainsley had done. Found? Adopted? Accumulated? A man with eight children, seven of them not of his own blood, could be said to have accumulated them, couldn't he?
    Eleanor was silent for a moment. "I said that? Yes, I suppose I did, in passing. You have a very good memory, Jack."
    "And more questions than I'd imagined," he answered truthfully. "Beginning, I suppose with one— how much are you willing to tell me?"
    Eleanor looked at him from beneath her lashes. 'There really

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