My Dear Jenny
Is that clear?”
    “Abundantly, ma’am.” Jenny returned Lady Teeve’s glare with
a calm regard, which appreciably wilted that lady’s battle mien. For the first
time since she had entered the room, Lady Teeve’s face settled into what Jenny
hoped was her more usual aspect: that of a sweet-tempered, affable older lady.
    “Well, then, my dear. You will see that I can be a good
friend to one who obliges me. If you will persuade Domenic to cease his hanging
about this house, I will endeavor to help you in what little ways I may.”
    “Ma’am, may I ask who it is you think I am?”
    Lady Teeve looked sharply at the younger woman. “I thought
we were done with this! I warn you, I will not be trifled with! Nor shall my
son be trifled with.”
    “Nor should he be, indeed, ma’am. Not by me, certainly. Nor
anyone else that I can think of—not in the manner which you evidently
    “Miss Pellering...”
    “Lady Teeve, my name is Prydd. lphegenia Prydd. I am a
friend of Miss Pellering, and I have been trying to figure out this
misunderstanding for these five minutes. I am terribly afraid that you have been
in error, or misled by someone—”
    Lady Teeve drew herself up to full height—still half a
head smaller than Jenny. “I will not permit this! I will not be played with!
Why did you not tell me who you were?”
    “Because, ma’am, if you recall, you specifically forbade me
to do so. Miss Pellering is not at home at the moment. However, I think that
you are very much deceived if you have cast Emily as some sort of enchantress
who has thrown a spell over Domenic; why, she is two years his junior, and—”
    “When they met she was engaged to run off with some
fortune-hunting rascal! A fine match for my son, missy. Well, you may give my
message to Miss Pellerlng, if you please.”
    “If you please, ma’am,” Jenny broke in smoothly, “I
shall not do so. It is hardly my place to do so. Aside from which, I do
not believe that any serious harm can come to Dom in this house. He comes,
after all, in the company of his cousin, Mr. Peter Teverley, and so far from
encouraging his tendre , Emily has shown Dom no partiality at all. She
looks upon Dom as she might a brother. They—”
    “She has entrapped my son,” Lady Teeve stated implacably. “I
will not have him in her company.”
    “Then is it not your responsibility to speak with Domenic
rather than to come and attack Emily Pellering? I give you my word that she has
made no move to attach his interest, and his affection for her is brotherly—”
Lady Teeve sniffed. “And perhaps a little calf love in it, as well, which will
not last, nor root itself unless he is greatly opposed in it.”
    “Do you say that my son isn’t good enough for a tradesman’s
daughter?” Lady Teeve asked with more indignation than accuracy. “I tell you,
Miss—whatever your name is! I will not have Domenic dangling after your
little Miss Pellering. I came in a civil fashion to discuss this, and I was
prepared to be helpful.” Jenny repressed a strong urge to opine on Lady Teeve’s
civility of manner and helpfulness. “You will tell Miss Pellering what I said.”
    “I would suggest again that you speak rather to Domenic, or
failing that, to Mr. Peter Teverley, since it is in his company that Dom visits
the house. In either event—”
    “Peter is no help at all. He simply ignores everything that
I say. He’s as bad as Teeve in that. As for Domenic, you know as well as I that
he is bewitched. Told me to mind my own business, quite as if I had not been
the most affectionate and careful of mothers! I will not be so treated by my
son, Miss Smith.”
    “Prydd, ma’am,” Jenny corrected levelly. “And if you have
nothing further to communicate, I suggest that we terminate this interview.”
    “Are you dismissing me?” Lady Teeve hissed, outraged.
    “No, but I cannot see any point in prolonging a discussion
wherein both parties are so clearly divided.”

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