The Siren
could be interesting.”
    “What do you want to know?” Shannon asked. “I’m not Catholic, but I am Baptist, and I’ve heard about angels all my life.”
    I was surprised at her willingness to talk to me and actually try to be helpful. Perhaps it was the vodka. “What do you know about them?” I asked.
    She shrugged. “Well, the Bible says they are beautiful and they sing and they announced the birth of baby Jesus.”
    I looked at Warren. “Well, that theory is out. Your singing sucks.”
    “Amen to that,” Nathan said, raising his beer.  
    Warren laughed and sipped from his glass.
    Shannon finished off the last of her drink. “The angels in the Bible are like messengers. They told Mary she was going to have Jesus. They told the shepherds in the field when Jesus was born, and they told Mary Magdalene that Jesus had risen from the dead.”
    “How did they tell them?” I asked.
    Shannon pushed her chair back and used her hands for wide gesturing. “They came down from the sky, dressed in white and shining like the sun, and they said ‘Fear not! I have come with good news for all people!’”
    The people in the bar were staring at her.
    “Fear not,” I repeated. I looked curiously up at Warren before turning back to Shannon. “Were they scary?”  
    She shrugged. “I dunno. A man walking out of the sky would scare the bejeezus outta me.”
    I leaned into Warren and lowered my voice. “Fear seems to fit with you.”
    “But not with you,” he added.  
    She started counting on her fingers. “There were angels who guarded the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve got kicked out. There was also the Passover angel who killed the first-born sons in Egypt and the angels who protected Daniel in the lion’s den.”
    “So angels have different jobs?” I asked.
    She tossed her hands up. “Beats me. That’s all I know.”
    “Thanks, Shannon.” The words felt strange as they left my mouth.
    She smiled. “Sure.”
    Nathan leaned toward Warren and pointed his finger between me and Shannon. “Did a pleasant exchange just really happen here or am I drunk?”
    Warren laughed. “The world might be coming to an end, man.”
    I elbowed my boyfriend. “Shut up.”
    Nathan waved to our waitress. “I think this is cause for celebration.” The waitress stepped over to our table. “Can we get four Irish Car Bombs?” He held up four fingers.
    “Oh no.” I shook my head as she walked away. “Liquor and I are not friends.”
    Nathan shook his head. “You and Shannon aren’t friends either, but obviously anything is possible.”
    I laughed. “Yes, anything is possible. Me dancing on tables and picking fights with strangers is certainly possible.” I tipped my beer up to my lips again.
    Shannon shoved Nathan in the shoulder a little harder than she obviously intended and sloshed his beer onto his lap. “Did you tell them your good news?”  
    He sighed as he sopped up his lap with a napkin.
    I glanced at Warren who seemed as clueless as I was. I looked at Nathan again. “Good news?”
    He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and wadded up the napkin. He drummed his fingers on the sides of his glass. “Yeah. The FBI officially offered me a job.”
    “Really?” Warren asked. “That’s awesome, man.”
    “Where is it?” I asked.
    He looked down at his beer. “I’ll do training in Virginia, and then I’ll probably be working out of Charlotte.”
    My heart sank a few inches. “You’re moving again?”
    He shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I don’t know yet. I haven’t given them a definite answer.”
    My lower lip protruded. “Everybody’s leaving me.”
    Warren squeezed the back of my neck.
    Nathan looked at Warren and pointed at him. “Are you leaving?”
    It was Warren’s turn to appear uncomfortable. He nodded. “Yeah. In a few weeks. I’m being involuntarily recalled to the Marines.”
    “You’re joking?” Nathan said, pushing his beer away from him.
    Warren shook his head. “Unfortunately,

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