Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1

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Book: Gracie's Touch Zion Warriors 1 by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
automatically and softly lit the room. It was surprisingly large. She frowned as she looked around. She didn’t remember coming here. She vaguely remembered falling asleep as Mohan talked to her some more about what happened to Earth after the battle. Gracie swung her feet over the edge of the bed and gasped as she looked down at the beautiful nightgown she was wearing. It was a deep emerald green and shimmered in the low lighting. She didn’t remember changing into it either! Gracie frowned in frustration. She didn’t like this feeling of detachment. She was tired of feeling sorry for herself. What was that saying her parents were always telling her? Oh, yeah. Gracie thought. Change the things you can, accept the things you can’t, and be wise enough to know the difference. Well, Gracie thought, I can’t change what happened three years, or even eight h undred years, ago. I can change how I deal with it. If this is the hand fate is dealing I better try to learn how to play. The first thing was getting rid of the pity-party attitude. Next, she needed to learn the language. She loved Mohan but she needed to learn what everyone else was saying too. Third, well, third she would figure out later when she got through with one and two.

    Gracie stood up and swayed as the effects of being in a horizontal position verses a vertical one for so long shook her. She closed her eyes and put a hand to her head to steady the dizziness. She hadn’t take n more than a step when she felt a warm arm wrap itself around her waist. Gracie opened her eyes to thank Mohan but the words died on her lips as she met the dark blue eyes of Kordon.

    “You are dizzy?” He asked slowly.

    Gracie started as she realized he was speaking English. “I…yes…you?” She stammered.

    Kordon smiled. “I learn your speech.” He said proudly.

    Gracie giggled softly. “Yes, I can see that. You are learning to speak my language very well.”

    Kordon frowned as he tried to keep up with the words Gracie was saying. His arm tightened around her as she swayed again. He looked down with concern as she closed her eyes again.

    “You sleep…lay down.” Kordon commanded trying to find the right words.

    Gracie shook her head gently. “No, I would like to sit down for a moment. I think I have been lying down too long. I think if I sit for a few moments I will be okay.” Gracie said slowly knowing Kordon was trying to follow along with her.

    Gracie blushed as she felt the heat of Kordon’s hand through the thin material of her nightgown. His fingers were splayed out and dipped down slightly as he guided her to a chair near the bed. Gracie breathed a sigh of relief when he gently lowered her down and stepped back to sit on the bed so they were almost eye level.

    Gracie looked around the room. It was larger than she expected for a room on a warship. She could see the bedroom contained a huge bed and off to the side was a large bathroom. Her eyes flickered over to a dresser of some type before moving to glance through the doorway into what appeared to be a living room.

    “This is a very nice room. I hope I’m not taking it away from anyone.” Gracie said hesitantly.

    Kordon watched as Gracie nervously straightened the skirt of her nightgown over her legs. His eyes darkened as he remembered dressing her in it last night. Kordon talked to Toolas, the Baskten healer in charge of medical. Toolas told Kordon it was not unusual for Gracie to be so tired. Between her injuries and being malnourished, it was to be expected but she should make a complete recovery with proper medical care and proper nutrition. Toolas was more concerned with the depression Gracie was experiencing. Toolas explained Gracie would need a good support system in place to help her adjust to the new world she found herself in and time to accept what happened to her old one. Besides Kordon and Mohan, only a few select officers and Toolas knew about Gracie’s history. Kordon wanted to keep

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