The Nexus Series: Books 1-3

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Book: The Nexus Series: Books 1-3 by J. Kraft Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Kraft Mitchell
    An uncomfortable
grunt.  “I’m sorry, I don’t have time—”
    “It will only
take a moment, sir.”
    “They told us not
to talk to the press.”
understand.  In that case, maybe you could transfer me to the personnel
who arrested her in the first place?”
    “Look, it wasn’t
my people who let that girl escape!  Make sure you write that in your
    “Of course. 
In your view, Mr. Bollis , who was responsible
for her escape?”
    “They sent
someone down to move her for questioning.  That’s when she made her
    “ Who sent
someone down to move her for questioning?”
    “No idea. 
Our records just say ‘special branch’—that means we’re not supposed to know.”
understand.  But someone acted on behalf of the special branch to put the
prisoner in your care?”
    “Sure, that would
be Janice Moeller.”
    “Great.  May
I speak with her?”
    The warden was
only too happy to transfer the call away.
    More canned
music.  Jill held her breath.  It was unlikely that this Janice would
still be at work, but there was always a chance...
    “Janice Moeller
    “I need to speak
with Director Holiday.”
    “I’m...afraid I
don’t know who that is.”
    “I’m afraid you
do.  Put him on, please.”
    “I’m sorry, I’m
not aware of any Holiday.”
    “Maybe this will
jar your memory:  He’s the one who had you put me in jail—until I
escaped.  I’m guessing he’ll be a little upset when he finds out you hung
up on me instead of putting me through to him.”
    Janice cleared
her throat.  “ Wh -who’s calling, please?”
    “Jill Branch.”
    Silence for a
long moment.  “I see.  I’ll find out if Director Holiday is
    “If he’s not on
in one minute I’m hanging up.”
    It took only a
few seconds.  Holiday didn’t bother with a greeting.  “If you’re
calling to rub it in, don’t expect me to be rapt with attention.”
    “I’m calling to
say I’ve changed my mind.”
    “Oh?  You’re
coming back to jail?”
    “I want to accept
your offer.”
    He paused before
replying:  “You’re assuming our offer still stands after your little
    It wasn’t all
that surprising that he was being stand-offish.  “My record wasn’t exactly
squeaky-clean before that, but you wanted me then.”
    “And since that
time you’ve done nothing whatsoever to indicate that you’re interested in
joining us.  Just the opposite, in fact.”
    “Other than
calling you right now.”
    “For what
purpose?  Who’s to say why you’ve really decided to give us jingle in the
middle of the night?”
    “Why else would I
risk making a call and being traced?”
    “Don’t pretend
you’re not blocking our trace, Jillian.”
    “Trying to,
anyway.  But don’t pretend your tracers are not doing everything in their
    “They are, of
course.  Unfortunately it will still take a few more minutes.”
    “I’ll take that
to mean about thirty seconds.”
    “Take it however
you want.  The point is, we would be foolish to extend our offer to you
any longer.”
    “You wanted me
because I’m good at what I do.  All I did by breaking out of jail was
prove it.”
    “I’m afraid that
is not all you did by breaking out of jail.”
    “So I missed my
    Holiday hesitated
only a moment.  “All right, Jillian.  You want to join us, tell us
face to face.”
    “Where can I meet
    “Right here at
our headquarters, of course.”
    What was he
playing at?  “How am I supposed to get there?”
    “Oh, I’ve no
doubt you’ll find a way.”
    “You’re talking
about breaking into a secure section of GoCom.”
sniffed.  “You seemed to have no trouble breaking out of it.”
    “I wouldn’t
exactly say it was no trouble.”
    “Take it or leave
it, Jillian.  If you’d like us to extend our offer one last time,
demonstrate your worth one last time.  It’s only reasonable.”
    She couldn’t

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