Passion's Price

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Book: Passion's Price by Gwynne Forster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwynne Forster
meet you.”
    “Clark, this is Lieutenant Michael Raines. Mike, this is my brother, Clark Cunningham.”
    Mike extended his hand. “How are you, Clark? I’m glad to finally meet you in person?”
    “And I’m glad to meet you. Tyra will be here in a few minutes.” He looked at Darlene. “Mind if we all go inside? I’d like a drink. This has been a rough day.”
    Clark served drinks. They talked for about fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang. Tyra spent a minute with Maggie and then headed for the living room. Mike stood when she entered the room, and the minute her gaze landed on him, her face bloomed into a smile.
    “I’m Tyra,” she said and kissed Mike on the cheek.
    “Supper’s ready,” Maggie called. “Do you want wine or iced tea?”
    “Wine,” said Darlene, Mike and Clark said in unison. Tyra was pregnant, and didn’t drink.
    Maggie ended the five-course meal with lemon soufflé. “We can have coffee in the living room,” she said.
    Tyra stood. “I’ll get it. After that dinner you cooked, Maggie, you need to sit down.”
    “You won’t catch me arguing with that,” Maggie said.
    Clark poured a brandy for himself after Mike declined, leaned back in his chair and draped his right ankle over his left knee. Here it comes, Darlene thought, and Clark did not disappoint her.
    He looked at Mike. “It’s never occurred to me that a way to get a woman’s attention would be to detain her. Pretty clever, if you ask me.”
    Mike sat forward. “From the time my voice changed until now, I don’t recall a single instance when I needed to detain her in order to get a woman. Not once. Besides, I insisted she remain in police protection in spite of my feelings for her. I wanted more than anything to let her go, but if I had she might have been in danger.”
    “What surprises me is that Darlene had the good sense to hold still long enough for you to catch her,” Maggie said.
    “Now you can apologize, Clark,” Darlene said.
    “No offense meant, Mike.”
    “None taken.”
    Tyra looked at Mike. “Why are men like this? I’m older than Clark. But when I was dating my husband, who Clark introduced me to, he made an absolute nuisance of himself, beating me to the door, waiting up until I got home and otherwise being a pest.”
    “I’m not so sure you want the answer right now,” Clark said.
    Laughter poured out of Mike. “No, you definitely don’t—that is, if Clark’s answer would be anything like mine.”
    The verbal sparring between Mike and Clark ceased when Clark saw that Mike wouldn’t back down from a good fight and could give as good as he got. “I’d better head home,” Tyra said. “It’s getting late, and I have a forty-minute drive. If you have time, Mike, I’d love you to meet my husband Byron Whitley and my darling stepson. Byron will bring you back. I know you want to spend time with Darlene, so I’ll understand if you can’t make it this trip.”
    “He’ll be back soon, Tyra. I have plans for him, and I didn’t include Baltimore.”
    Tyra spread both hands, palms out. “Okay. No problem. I get the message.”
    When Mike looked at Darlene and smiled, Tyra thought, My Lord, that man’s smile is lethal. He’s got charisma to burn.
    “I’ll do my best to meet your family next time, Tyra,” he said. “Thanks for inviting me.”
    Tyra went downstairs to the bathroom, and Darlene met her in the hall. “We have to spend time getting to know each other,” she told her older sister. “Next time, we’ll visit Byron and Andy.”
    Tyra enveloped Darlene in a hug. “I think he’s terrific. You should enjoy him while he’s here.”
    Tyra came back into the living room and said good-night, and Clark walked her to the door. No one had to tell Darlene that her brother and sister were comparingnotes about Mike. Tyra liked him, and he had Clark’s respect, albeit grudgingly so.
    “Good night, you two,” Clark said. “Don’t stay up all night.”
    “Good night,” Maggie

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