Right Where I Belong

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Book: Right Where I Belong by Krista McGee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krista McGee
Tags: Ebook, book
I got.”
    “I admire that.” Addy took another bite of the pulpo . “I was around people for a whole month this spring who didn’t know Christ, and I was scared to death to even let them know I was a Christian. God had to really shake me up to make me share my faith.”
    “Maureen told me about that. You talked to the producer of your reality TV show on air, right? That’s bold.”
    “It wasn’t easy, but God used my weakness. And nowJonathon, the president’s son, is really growing. We talk about our Bible studies and share prayer requests. It’s exciting.”
    “So is there really a romance there? Or is that just rumor?”
    Addy’s face turned a bright shade of red, and Natalia knew she had touched on a sensitive spot. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that.” Brian Younger’s face suddenly popped into Natalia’s mind. I can’t even go to dinner with a friend without thinking of him. What is wrong with me?
    “No, it’s all right. Actually, we are still praying about that.”
    “You’re praying about a boy?” Natalia’s glass clinked against the tiles on the table. “What do you mean?”
    “We are definitely interested in each other, but we want to take things slow and make sure God is honored in our relationship. We’ve got plenty of time to get serious down the road.”
    Natalia smiled. This was the kind of friend she had been praying for. She told Addy as much.
    “I’m glad God brought you here, Natalia.” Addy returned her smile.
    “Me too,” a familiar voice said. Natalia turned to see Brian Younger the younger standing behind her. She strained her neck to look up at his bright red head and smiling face.
    “What, no kiss for an old friend?” He laughed, pulling a chair out to sit beside Natalia.
    “Do Americans not ask permission before invading a dinner table?” Natalia peered at Addy.
    Addy, obviously unsure whether or not Natalia was serious, looked to Brian.
    “I was invited by your stepmother, thank you verymuch.” Brian grabbed a slice of bread and placed chorizo, cheese, and a tomato on top.
    “What?” Natalia asked, still in shock. Her heart raced as he sat down. What excuse could she invent to leave the restaurant as soon as possible?
    I am not interested. No boys, no dating, no romance. God! Help me. Surely you don’t want me tempted like this.
    “As I was saying,” Brian mumbled as he swallowed the last of his food, “Maureen called to ask me about the ESL program. She said you needed some community-service hours.” Brian paused to take a sip of Natalia’s water. She blinked in surprise. “I told her that was amazing because just this morning I was praying that God would bring someone who is bilingual along who could help me. So many folks come in speaking no English at all.” Brian helped himself to some pulpo. “And all I can say is, Hola, me llamo Brian, y tu ?”
    Natalia wasn’t sure which was worse—Brian’s manners or his accent.
    “So.” Brian forced Natalia to look him in the eye. “Que pasa ?”
    “What?” His blue eyes momentarily distracted her.
    “I don’t know. That’s all I remember from Spanish class.”
    “I’m not sure.” Natalia stared down at the table—anywhere to avoid his eyes. “Let me think it over a little more. When do you need to know?”
    “We meet every Thursday. So how’s tomorrow sound? That enough time?”
    “No. I’ll see you Sunday at church. I might have an answer then.”
    Brian’s eyes registered shock, and then something else.Natalia thought he seemed intrigued. But that couldn’t be the case. She looked away from Brian’s eyes to her half-eaten chorizo.
    Brian cleared his throat, reached in his pocket, and pulled out a ten-dollar bill. His relaxed demeanor returned. “Thanks for the food, ladies. It was muy bueno !” He winked.
    Natalia sat, her back straight and eyes forward, refusing to watch the young man leave.
    “Interesting,” Addy said as the bell above the door signaled Brian had

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