That Man of Mine

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Book: That Man of Mine by Maria Geraci Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Geraci
champ, all right,” Pilar told the rest of the group. “Bruce Bailey was a dick, as usual, but Mimi put him right in his place.”
    An appreciative murmur rumbled through the room.
    â€œIs that when Zeke announced to the city council that the two of you are separated?” Shea asked mildly.
    Mimi glanced at Pilar, who shrugged her shoulders as if to apologize. Not that Pilar had anything to be sorry about. The Babes were right. They should have heard about Mimi’s upcoming divorce through Mimi herself. Not Pilar. And certainly not through the Whispering Bay grapevine.
    â€œBefore anyone says anything, I’m sorry I didn’t tell everyone here first. But we hadn’t even told the kids or any family yet, so…” Her voice trailed off, cracking slightly. She’d only cried once since she’d asked Zeke to leave. But only because she’d had to hold it together. But she didn’t have to hold it together now. No one here was going to judge her.
    They swarmed her with murmurs of sympathy and hugs and lots of “I’m sorry’s.” And although it didn’t fix the overall situation, it did help. Plus, a couple more margaritas didn’t hurt, either.
    â€œWhat happened?” Kitty asked. “I always thought you and Zeke were the perfect couple.”
    â€œThere’s no such thing as perfect,” Mimi said, swiping away a tear. Hopefully, that cryptic statement would satisfy them.
    â€œBut, there’s got to be a reason ,” Kitty said.
    â€œCan I just say it’s private, and leave it at that?”
    Of course, she couldn’t. The questions kept coming. So she decided to play the Diversion Card. They were all on their third (or was it fourth?) round of margaritas. Maybe it would work. “The Spring Into Summer festival is practically in bankruptcy,” she blurted.
    â€œ What ?” Pilar’s voice carried the loudest over a chorus of shocked exclamations.
    â€œYep. Bruce basically spent most of the discretionary budget last year advertising Billy Brenton as the main headliner for the festival, and we all know what happened there.”
    â€œAnd now he expects you to clean up his mess?” Shea said. “Does the rest of the city council know about this?”
    â€œDoug Wentworth does. He’s the one who brought it to my attention.”
    â€œHe’s the new city manager, right?” Lauren asked.
    â€œYep,” Pilar answered. “Nice guy. Kind of cute, too. He has a crush on Mimi.”
    Mimi felt her face go hot. “He does not!” Her voice sounded like Donald Duck. Maybe she shouldn’t have had that last margarita.
    â€œDoes he know you’re married?” Frida demanded.
    â€œHe knows we’re separated,” Mimi admitted carefully, trying not to slur her words. What in God’s name did Shea put in her margaritas that made them so potent?
    â€œHe knows it because Zeke spilled the beans in front of everyone,” Pilar reminded them.
    â€œSpeaking of which, why would he do that?” Kitty asked. “Zeke is always so…hush-hush about everything.”
    â€œYep, he sure does like his secrets,” Mimi muttered.
    Lauren frowned. “What secrets?”
    â€œNothing,” Mimi rushed to say. “So, what can I do to turn this year’s festival around? Because I need to do something. Otherwise, the Spring Into Summer festival is in jeopardy of being disbanded.”
    The entire room went still.
    â€œBut…Whispering Bay has held a Spring Into Summer festival since forever,” Kitty said.
    â€œAlmost fifty years to be exact,” Pilar added.
    Shea passed around another round of margaritas. “The festival can’t be in that much trouble, is it?”
    Mimi started to decline the drink, but what the hell. She was already going to have a monster hangover tomorrow. She might as well earn it. “Unfortunately, thanks to nearly a decade of

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