Mary Rose

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Book: Mary Rose by David Loades Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Loades
Tags: General, History
Descriptive, Relative to that County , 1818. The reader will observe that the poet’s chronology in somewhat adrift!)

    British Library
Cotton MS
    Caligula B.1, B.VI, D.VI
    Galba B.VI
    Vespasian B.II, F.XIII
Egerton MS 985
Harley MS 6986
Harley Charter 43E8
    The National Archives
C.24, 54
    The Lincoln Record Office citations are taken from S. J. Gunn, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, 1484–1545 (Oxford, 1988).
    Primary Works
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Boleyn, Anne, ‘The Most Noble Coronation of Queen Anne’, in A. F. Pollard, Tudor Tracts (1903).
Du Bellay, Les Memoires de Martin et Guillaume du Bellay (1753).
Byrne, M. St Clare (ed.), The Lisle Letters (1981).
Calendar of the Close Rolls, 1500–1509 (1963).
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, 1485–95 (1898).
Calendar of the Patent Rolls, 1494–1509 (1916).
Calendar of State Papers, Milan , ed. A. B. Hinds (1912)
Calendar of State Papers, Spanish , ed. Royall Tyler et al. (1862–1954).
Calendar of State Papers, Venetian , ed. R. Brown et al. (1864–98).
Campbell, W. (ed.), Materials for a History of the Reign of Henry VII (Rolls Series, 1873).
Carmelianus, Petrus, The solempnities & triumphes doon & made at the spousells and mariage of the kynges daughter, the ladye Marye , ed. James Gairdner (Camden Miscellany, 9, no. 53 (2), 1893).
Catalogue des Actes de Francois Ier (1887–1908).
Chronica del Rey Enrico de Inglaterra (The Chronicle of King Henry of England) trans. M. A. S. Hume (1889).
A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household (1790).
A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds in the Public Records Office (1915).
Dickens, A. G. (ed.), The Clifford Letters of the Sixteenth Century (Surtees Society, 1962).
Erasmus, Desiderius, Opus Epistolarum , ed. P. S. and N. M. Allen (12 vols, 1906–58).
Flenly, R., Six Town Chronicles of England (1911).
Foxe, John, The Actes and Monuments of the English Martyrs (1583).
Fuensalida, Correspondencia de Gutierre Gomez de Fuensalida , ed. El Duque de Alba (1907).
Grafton, Richard, A Chronicle at Large (1809).
The Great Chronicle of London , ed. A. H. Thomas and I. D. Thornley (1938).
Hall, Edward, Chronicle (1806).
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Manuscripts of the Corporations of Southampton and Kings Lynn (1887).
Hoyle, R. W. (ed.), ‘The Clifford Letters’ ( Camden Miscellany , 44, 1992).
Leland, John, De Rebus Brittanicus Collectanea (1715).
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of King Henry VIII , ed. J. S. Brewer et al. (1862–1932).
Louise de Savoie, Journal , in J-A. C. Buchon, Choix de Choniques et Memoires relative a l‘Histoire de France (1778–80).
Malory, Sir Thomas, The Works of Sir Thomas Malory ed. E. Vinover (1947).
Memorials of King Henry VII , ed. J. Gairdner (1858).
Nicholas, N. H., The Privy Purse Expenses of Elizabeth of York (1830).
Nichols, J. G. (ed.), The Chronicle of Calais (Camden Society, 36, 1846).
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Parsons, R. (R. Doleman), A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crowne of England (1594).
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