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Book: Mirage by Ashley Suzanne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Suzanne
was the first time I have seen him since I moved out of the apartment and I didn’t want to get into anything with him, especially since I have been drinking. I have little filter as it is and with booze involved, my filter is virtually nonexistent.
    We walk over to where Jacoby is sitting. Upon our approach, Jacoby stands up and pulls out a stool for me and helps me on so I don’t fall backwards. Maybe I have had a little too much to drink as well.
    Jacoby introduces his friend Marcus, who also pulls out a stool and helps Kylee get settled. And one thought that chivalry was dead. Not with these two guys. Jacoby signals a waitress to come over and take our drink orders.
    “Two cotton candy and sprites with a lime on the side,” Kylee says.
    “Ky, I think I’m done for the night. I have to drive us back and need to sober up,” I say to her and try to cancel my drink order from the waitress, who was already walking back towards the bar.
    “Mira, Marcus and I are staying at the casino hotel tonight. We played some poker earlierand won a fair amount. The casino comped us a suite with an extra bedroom. You and your friend are more than welcome to stay with us there so you can continue your night out with Kylee,” Jacoby offers.
    I felt like his eyes were burning holes through my skin. Everywhere he looked, I felt immediate heat. This is not good. My boss is the tri-fecta, sexy, smart and rich. I cannot go there with him.
    “Thanks Jacoby. We probably should get back to Ann Arbor tonight, but I appreciate the offer,” I say.
    I look over at Kylee who is giving me yet another look. I think this look is a cross between ‘are you fucking kidding me’ and ‘this guy is totally mount-able, you better do it or I will’. Neither one I really appreciate so I give her my best ‘not the time, we’ll talk later’ look, but it fails miserably.
    “Jacoby, don’t listen to Mira. We would love to stay downtown. I’m only in town for a few weeks and the more time we can spend together having good old-fashioned fun, the better. Right Mira?” Kylee say almost growling the last part at me.
    Jacoby looks to me for an answer. As I look up to meet his eyes that are still burning through me, I see Skylar, who is still staring at me. I think for a quick second about the Heather fiasco and decide to stop being so cautious and take a leap.
    “I guess that would be okay since you have an extra room and all,” I say, trying to convince myself.
    “Great, then we’ll get another round and get this party started right,” Jacoby says. “Waitress, a round of shots, please. Cuervo Black if you have it.”
    Tequila and I are still not on good terms. I am still either a bitch or a slut. The last time I drank tequila for an entire weekend, I ended up with my dead fiancé’s best friend. Kylee gives me her signature ‘you’re going to get laid’ tonight look and I can’y help but laugh out loud.
    “What’s so funny?” Jacoby asks.
    “Nothing, just thought of the last time I drank tequila. Things didn’t end so well,” I respond trying to make it a joking matter leaving him to believe that maybe I got sick or did something crazy rather than the disaster that took place.
    “Let’s see if we can give you a happy tequila memory, huh?” Jacoby asks as he leans over to whisper in my ear and puts his hand on my thigh.
    Tequila and I are already getting along better. Let’s keep this momentum up.
    After three shots of tequila and another round of drinks, we all get up to leave the bar. We didn’t wear our jackets into the bar and it was is chilly outside. Jacoby takes his jacket that he wore with his suit and places it over my shoulders. I look up at him and smile, acknowledging his chivalry. He places his hand on the small of my back and guides me out of the bar.
    When we get outside, I notice that the guys with the motorcycles, Skylar included, were getting ready to leave as well. He walks towards me and the group I’m with and I

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