Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1)

Free Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) by Hayley Faiman Page B

Book: Rough & Rowdy (Notorious Devils #1) by Hayley Faiman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hayley Faiman
Tags: Notorious Devils MC #1
do, but that was about it. Now that I’m in charge and have a fairly decent clear head, I don’t like it at all.
    I walk back into Kentlee’s bedroom, which is about two steps away—seeing as her house is the size of a fuckin’ postage stamp—and crawl back into her comfortable as shit bed. When I wrap my arms around her again, I hear her let out a sigh and I smile.
    Fuck, this little girl and what she does to me. Unbelievable . I close my eyes and sigh out my own breath.
    I’m happy.
    Never been happy like this before.
    My woman.
    My baby.
    Fuckin’ bliss.

    T he heavy arm that is pressing me into the mattress should feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t. In fact, I like it – a lot.
    I roll over to face Pierce and see that he is still asleep. He looks younger when he’s asleep, his jaw slack instead of clenched.
    I trace his eyebrow with my fingertips and then drag them along the edge of his face, down along the underside of his jaw, feeling the scruff of his beard.
    “Feels good, baby,” he mumbles in a hazy sleep-filled voice. I slip my fingers through his shaggy hair and gently rake my nails along his scalp.
    “Good afternoon,” I remark as his eyes slowly open.
    “Yeah. Fuck . Passed out,” he says as he stretches next to me.
    “You want me to make something to eat while we discuss budgets and stuff?” I ask, hoping that he’s still on board—that sleeping and time haven’t changed his mind.
    “Yeah, sugar, that’d be good,” he says, smiling as his stomach growls.
    I laugh slightly as I crawl out of bed in search of something to wear.
    I slide a clean pair of panties on over my hips and turn around to see him watching me from the bed. His eyes are a bit darker than their normal gray, but they are completely focused on me. Biting my lip, I put on a bra and grab an oversized shirt before slipping a pair of leggings on. I don’t plan on going anywhere else today.
    “Gorgeous,” he breathes as he climbs out of bed and heads my direction. I jump when his hands grasp my hips and he angles his head to plant a hard kiss on my lips.
    “Peirce,” I moan after he lets me go. He doesn’t say another word.
    He pats my ass and then turns and walks to my bathroom. I watch him as he goes, enjoying the view of his bare ass and the muscles that move with each step he takes. As soon as the bathroom door closes, I sigh and make my way toward the kitchen.
    I don’t have much in my refrigerator, because I really don’t like cooking for just one person. It’s sad and makes me feel lonely, so I don’t do it often. Luckily, I have all the ingredients to make meat sauce spaghetti and I have a new loaf of bread that I can turn into cheesy garlic bread. My mouth waters at the very idea of more carbs, so I quickly get to work making food for my man and myself.
    My man.
    I still can’t believe that Fury is mine.
    Pierce “Fury” Duhart is mine .
    I am Pierce “Fury” Duhart’s woman .
    I shiver slightly at the thought.
    I am taken out of my daydream when two strong arms wrap around my middle and a pair of soft lips touch behind my ear. I inhale his scent; sweat, spice, and Pierce fills my lungs.
    “Smells good, baby girl,” he rumbles behind me, his chest vibrating against my back.
    “It’s ground beef, Pierce,” I chuckle. His arms squeeze me slightly before one of his hands drifts up the inside of my shirt to wrap around my breast. I moan when he pinches my nipple through my bra.
    “Haven’t had a woman cook for me since my mama did before she died. Smells good, baby girl,” he says, repeating the phrase, rocking me to my core.
    I realize that I truly know nothing about the man. He lets me go and grabs a coke out of the fridge before settling down at the bar to watch me.
    “You’re mom passed? I’m so sorry,” I say quietly as I turn to face him.
    “I was fifteen; twenty years ago, sugar. I miss her, but I’ve dealt with all that sorrow,” he confesses. I blink, realizing that he’s well

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