So Different
keeps the other jammer from scoring. If she does, the lead jammer can call off the jam.”
    He watched as the Prissy Missies jammer cleared the final Brass Knuckles blocker and hit her wrist on her hip, standing up straight and skating easier now.
    “What happened?” he asked.
    “The lead jammer is calling off the jam, and they now switch jammers and it’ll start again. It’s Mariah’s turn now,” she said and Adam watched as Mariah received the cap with the star, placed it on her helmet, and skated over to get in position.
    “The jammers were the ones with the stars on their helmet?”
    “Yep. See, aren’t you smart,” she said, smiling at him. “The team with the most points at the end is the winner. There’s more to it, more strategy, but let’s let you get used to the basics first. I’m a pivot, and an excellent one. Pivots are the last defense against the jammer scoring. They control the pack—like the quarterback,” she said.
    “Mariah’s a jammer.”
    “Yep, she’s the running back, with everyone trying to kill her. They are usually smaller in size, quick and fast. Speed is a prerequisite,” Casper said. She and Adam both stood with their backs to the wall, looking at the rink, watching Mariah bob and weave, get knocked down, get up and get by the pivot this time, taking the lead and becoming the lead jammer.
    “How much practice is required?”
    “Lots. We practice once a week, but that’s because my team’s been playing together forever, and we’re good. Some teams are different. They get together to hang out outside of practice, become like second families in some cases, more involved in each other’s lives. It can take up a lot of your time.”
    “Not you?”
    “Nope, not me. Between work and derby, you won’t have time for much else, and I do have a girlfriend who I like to spend time with. My team’s limited practicing schedule works for me,” she said. He nodded. “So what’s with you and Mariah?”
    “So nothing is the reason why you’re here? Drinking beer alone against the wall, hiding out from your father? I heard you lost your ex recently. That’s got to suck.”
    “It was for the best,” he found himself saying to his new unlikely friend.
    “The best?”
    “Let’s just leave it at that.”
    “That’s cool,” she said after a few minutes.
    “Well, if you’re here for Mariah, here’s some advice, which you can take or leave. She’s hard to get to know, but if you stick with it, you might break through.”
    “Break through. Sounds way too serious for me, especially in light of the ex. Not looking to break through to anything. Just looking to hang out.”
    “Oh, so it’s like that,” she said.
    “Yeah, it’s like that.”
    “Good luck with that approach,” she said and took a sip from her beer. He did the same, looking back at the rink and the continuation of the game.
    “So where do the teams practice?” he asked.
    “Here, depending on the day of the week. Each team has an assigned day. We also practice over at the old skating rink, where the league started. Harper Skate-o-torium, located at the corner of Harper and Jones street. Why?”
    “Just curious,” he said. She eyed him for a second and then laughed.
    “You know the area?” she asked.
    “Yep, I know that area,” he said.
    “Sure,” she said and laughed again.
    “You’re from here?”
    “I grew up here, too, but I bet not in the same part of town. Where did you grow up?” she asked, taking a swallow of beer.
    “West Hanover.”
    “Oh,” she said, “I forgot. You’re the son of a dentist, and now you’re a dentist.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “You probably didn’t hang out near the Skate-o-torium much,” she said and laughed. He didn’t answer and turned back to the game.
    “Hey, I didn’t mean anything,” Casper said.
    He shrugged and watched another jammer moving up through the pack. If he had a nickel for every

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