A Shade of Vampire 24: A Bridge of Stars

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Book: A Shade of Vampire 24: A Bridge of Stars by Bella Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Forrest
realized that… I’m unhappy without you.”
    She leaned in and this time kissed his lips. From the pleasant surprise that crossed Cyrus’ face, I was sure that was the first time she had ever done that to him willingly. He pushed her back on the mattress and lay beside her, his arms snaking around her and locking her flush against him. I felt quite amazed that he seemed to actually believe her words. After everything he’d done to her, I thought he’d be suspicious at this change of mood. I could only assume that, when it came to women, his ego was bigger than his brain.
    Watching them make out for the next few minutes was sickening, knowing how much Nuriya must be despising every second. But she was putting on a good act. By the time Cyrus surfaced again, he was quite breathless, blood rising to his lips.
    Nuriya, still lying on her side, propped her head up with her elbow and traced her right hand down his muscled chest. “I was also thinking that… that maybe we could make the wedding sooner.”
    Cyrus' eyes lit up. His face broke out in a wide smile. “Of course,” he said. “If that’s what you wish. We shall have it within a week! Never mind all the extra luxury and rituals we’d have time to plan by waiting longer. I’m not so concerned with any of it as I am with seeing you… all of you… for the first time.” His eyes glistened with lust.
    I couldn’t miss the gulp in Nuriya’s throat, but it seemed that Cyrus was too preoccupied to notice.
    “I was thinking even sooner,” Nuriya said sweetly.
    Cyrus stared at her. “Sooner than a week?”
    “Yes,” she said, and then she averted her eyes, playing bashful.
    “How soon?” he pressed, clearly enjoying himself immensely.
    She pressed her lips against his again in a deep, long kiss before whispering, “Tonight.”
    “Tonight?” Cyrus actually laughed. “Well, if that is what the love of my life wishes, then… It shall be done.” He kissed her again before leaving her side and gliding out of bed.
    “Then we have only hours to prepare. It will not be the grandest wedding by far… but believe me, Nuriya, it will be the truest.” His eyes lingered on her adoringly, and I found myself wondering whether there was indeed a part of him that loved her. Just not a large enough part to stop him from destroying her life…
    “I will leave to begin preparations at once!” he announced, already moving toward the door. “And I will send some servants up to help you dress.”
    With that, he hurried out of the room.
    As Nuriya gazed after him, I could see the fear rising up behind her eyes.
    Poor woman. She looked like a lamb. A lamb ready for slaughter.

    O nce Cyrus was safely gone , I solidified myself before Nuriya. I promised her that all would be okay—even though it was a promise I didn’t even know that we could keep. I told her to go along with everything, keep playing the part, and that I would come for her. She nodded, and it killed me to see how much faith she placed in me.
    Then I had to leave, almost bumping into a group of servants entering through the door on my way out. I hurried along the palace corridors back to Horatio’s apartment. When I returned to the sitting room where I had left them, Horatio and Aisha were still sitting here, close to each other and deep in conversation.
    Their eyes shot toward me. I hurriedly explained to them that I had been successful in getting through to Nuriya, and that Cyrus had agreed to make the wedding this evening.
    As if to make my point, a loud bell began to ring outside. Then came a voice, booming through the very walls of the palace:
    “Royal wedding in five hours! King Cyrus will wed his beloved Nuriya!”
    I swallowed hard.
    Aisha swallowed harder.
    T onight . Everything hung on tonight. If this failed—for one or more of the many reasons that it could and should fail—then that would be it. Sherus would come after me, Lucas, Kailyn and the other three Underworld escapees…

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