While Love Stirs
hand. “But I hope you won’t wish you were working with a chef like you always wanted.”
    Emotion clogged Charlotte’s throat. Was she settling for thisposition instead of pursuing her true dream? What if God had other plans for her? How was she to know the difference?
    The screen door banged open and Mrs. Umdahl appeared with a tray laden with large glasses of milk and sandwiches cut in neat quarters. “I thought you could both use a snack.”
    Hannah’s eyebrows rose. “Milk in the middle of the afternoon?”
    “ Ja , it’s good for you and the baby.” She set the tray on the table. “Are you warm enough?”
    “Yes, thank you, Mrs. Umdahl.”
    “ Uff da , I never heard of a mother out of bed so soon.” She wagged her finger at Charlotte. “Don’t let her get overtired. Ja? ”
    Charlotte nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
    When the housekeeper had gone back inside, Hannah picked up a quarter of egg salad sandwich. “Your position sounds like a perfect fit for you in so many ways, but I must admit, I hate the idea of you traveling alone.”
    “I won’t be.” Charlotte removed her gloves, then set a sandwich on her luncheon plate. “The gas company has hired an older woman to be my traveling companion. They also plan to hire a singer who will perform before I speak to entice more women to attend the lectures. I suppose she will travel with us as well. The more women they can get interested in the benefits of the gas range, the more homes will start using gas. Not only will the gas company make money on gas range sales, but they’ll get more gas subscribers.”
    “You’ll have them all cooking with gas in no time.”
    “Some women who’ve lectured like this have gone on to have cookbooks published. Can you imagine?” Charlotte bit her lip. “I should slow down. I’m getting ahead of myself.”
    Hannah chuckled. “You’re excited and you should be. And if you find it’s not what you want, you can always return to looking for a placement with a chef.”
    That was true, but didn’t Hannah understand how hard she’d already looked? Besides, working in a restaurant kitchen wasn’t her only dream.
    She could sit still no longer. She walked to the porch rail and looped her arm around a column. “Do you know one of the best parts? I can visit the hospitals in the various cities and speak to the staff about better nutrition for the patients.”
    “You’ll be a regular crusader like Aunt Sam.” Hannah picked up her glass of milk. “You’re frowning. What’s wrong?”
    “I was simply thinking I hope I can get them to understand the importance of this matter better than I did Dr. Brooks.”
    “I told him he should listen to you.”
    She smiled. “I know you did. He came to the contest’s final round to see if I was any good.”
    “And what did he say after you won?”
    “Congratulations.” She returned to her seat. It was true he’d congratulated her, but it was the sincere way he’d said it that touched her so.
    “Maybe if some of the other hospitals in the area implement your ideas, he’ll be more open to hearing what you have to say.” Hannah returned her empty milk glass to the tray.
    “Motherhood has made you optimistic.” If only what Hannah said was true, but Charlotte had the distinct feeling Dr. Brooks was a long way from truly considering anything she had to offer.
    “Tessa stopped by this morning. She calls him Dr. Handsome, and I’d have to agree. Wouldn’t you?”
    Charlotte’s cheeks warmed as his face came to mind—the alarming smile and bottle-green eyes that could take anyone’s breath away. And he carried himself in such a self-confident way. His hands had been a strange combination of strong and gentle as he’d assisted her back to the vehicle. She absentmindedly touched her elbow.
    “Charlotte? Wouldn’t you agree?”
    She shook the image of Dr. Brooks from her thoughts. “Agree with what?”
    “That Dr. Brooks is quite striking.”
    “I guess some might

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