Illusions Complete Series
that he was not watching the play at all, but, rather, was staring at me. I felt a little strange and thrilled at the same time. What does this guy see in me? I tried to banish the thought and concentrate on what was going on, but it was impossible. My mind was racing.
    “You’re not watching the show,” I teased him, when I turned around for the millionth time to see him staring at me, instead of the play.
    “You’re right, I need to watch the show. I actually do like this play. I thought it was hilarious when I studied this at my high school.”
    I laughed. Who was I to control him and make him watch the show? If he’s that into me that he can’t take his eyes on me, then…. Oh, stop it, you’re sounding so full of yourself.
    “Would you like some more wine?” I asked.
    “Nah, I’m ok.”
    “Ok, then.”
    The play ended. “We better pack all this stuff up,” I said, already beginning the process of getting everything together.
    He looked strange, wide-eyed. “Is there anything wrong?” I asked. His demeanor had changed 180 degrees from just a few minutes before. I felt a bit alarmed.
    He wasn’t hearing me, but was staring off into the distance. He shook his head. “She’s following me now?” He looked down, his expression now looking perplexed.
    Who was following him? It couldn’t be Alexis, he probably would be upset. He just seems mystified.
    But there was unmistakably a woman coming toward us. I started to feel nauseated. The woman was the typical supermodel type that I had been noticing all over town since I started hanging out with Ryan. These are really the only women who had confidence to stare openly at Ryan, while staring at me for a different reason. They never failed to make me feel like a particularly low class of bug. I could just tell that they were thinking he’s with her? I didn’t think that I would ever get used to the glares and stares. It was like high school all over again.
    The woman was kind of bizarre, to be honest. Here we were, in an outdoor setting, and she was dressed in high heels. She was also dressed in slim black pants and a colorful top. She was wearing full makeup, although she really didn’t need to. I could tell that she was the kind of woman whom commanded attention. I noticed more than one man’s head turning as she walked. She was tall and slim and blond and stunningly beautiful, and carried an Hermés Birken bag.
    Her bag was no doubt worth more than my car.
    Ryan stood in his spot, as if he couldn’t move. He wasn’t looking at the woman, but it was if he was trying not to.
    The woman was now about three feet away. “Hello, Ryan.” I looked closer at her face. She looked so familiar…Then it struck me. She was the woman in the picture with Ryan! Makes sense.
    “Alexis,” Ryan said calmly. So this is the infamous Alexis. Why doesn’t Ryan look upset to see her?
    She turned her attention to me. “And who is this?” She looked amused. I could tell that there was no way that she would have imagined that I was his date.
    Ryan put his arm around my shoulders. “This is Iris. Iris, this is my ex-wife, Alexis.”
    I held out my hand to shake hers. She ignored it. She raised one eyebrow, looking at Ryan. “Your date?” Her expression was one of amusement mixed with disgust.
    If this is the kind of woman he likes, what the hell is he doing with me?
    “Yes, my date.” He turned to me. “Would you excuse me for a second?” I nodded. He looked at Alexis. “Let’s go over here and talk for a second.”
    I stayed, rooted, holding the dogs’ leash and wondering what to do. My instinct was no longer that I should run. At the same time, like the fateful morning that I heard him yelling at Alexis over the phone, I was not looking forward to being around him after this. Not that he had ever been cruel or angry with me, and he had never once taken his issues out on me, and I hoped that he wouldn’t. But I have been with too many guys who are difficult to be

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