One Christmas Wish

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Book: One Christmas Wish by Sara Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Richardson
be home by this evening.” So she could get away from Isaac. Maybe pack a couple of moving boxes…
    “You won’t be able to leave today,” Cecilia said, looking aghast. “Didn’t Isaac tell you?”
    Julia’s blood pumped faster. “No.”
    “Why, the back tire was shot in the accident, it was. We called around but no tire shops are open due to this nasty storm.” She leaned closer and rolled her lovely blue eyes. “Any excuse for a ski day around here, don’t you know.”
    So their tire was shot and they had no way to fix it. This was not part of the plan.
    “Not to worry, missy. We’ll get it fixed up better than new first thing in the morning. Then you can be on your way.”
    Julia realized her head was shaking. “But…we can’t spend the night.” She couldn’t spend the night with Isaac! Not when the air between them was so charged and magnetic. Not when they were faking a marriage.
    “Sure you can, love,” Cecilia bubbled. “You’re more than welcome. We have a beautiful guest cottage. And we’ll make you a grand meal tonight—bangers and mash. Tollie’s favorite.”
    Normally, she loved a good English meal, but her stomach seemed to have shriveled. She couldn’t get past the thought of spending the night with Isaac. Where would they sleep? “So…the guest cottage…” Her throat felt raw. “What’s it like?”
    “Oh, it’s a modest little place. But lovely,” Cecilia assured her. “Very romantic. Just the place for a young couple in love.”
    “It’s a one bedroom?” she asked in a near whisper.
    “A studio, actually,” Cecilia prattled excitedly. “But it’s all been redone inside, it has. We even put in a new king-sized bed and a fireplace just last year. We’re hoping to rent it out someday.” Worry lines deepened across the woman’s forehead. “I do hope you’ll like it.”
    The door opened and Isaac slid in beside her.
    “It sounds lovely,” Julia assured her. It really did. A cozy romantic cabin. In any other situation, it would have been perfect.
    “What sounds lovely?” Isaac asked.
    “The guest cottage,” Cecilia chirped. “I was telling Julia how romantic it is. The perfect li’l love nest for newlyweds.”
    Isaac’s gaze captured hers and he definitely did not look disappointed. “Can’t wait to see it,” he said, draping an arm around her shoulders.
    She did her best not to stiffen, but somehow she had to battle that all-consuming swoon his touch brought.
    “What’s the matter, darlin’?” he asked, biting his lower lip around a tempting grin. “You seem tense.”
    “Well, you two have been through a lot, you have,” Cecilia broke in. “We’ll get you back to the house and get you settled. Then you can have a rest and meet little Oliver before dinner. How does that sound?”
    “Perfect,” Isaac answered for her. “It all sounds perfect.”
    *  *  *
    Well if this didn’t help his cause with Julia, nothing would.
    Isaac sauntered past the river rock fireplace that was nestled into the far corner of the room. A king-sized bed sat on the opposite wall with a canopy draped over log posts. One leather couch sat near the fireplace and the south wall had a kitchenette that included a mini fridge, a couple of cabinets, and a coffee maker. There was no television. Not even a clock. It was a small space, rustic, but nicely decorated and well kept. Exactly the kind of place a couple would escape to if they had nothing on the agenda besides sleep and sex. Which sounded pretty damn good to him at the moment.
    “Where will we sleep?”
    Those were the first words Julia had spoken since he’d pushed her chair in here five minutes ago. Instead of looking at him, her bewildered gaze wandered the room like she couldn’t quite understand how they’d gotten here. It was all he could do not to laugh. Judging from the way she kept putting him off, this was the last place she wanted to be. Trapped somewhere romantic with him. Pretending to

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