Breaking Fate

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Book: Breaking Fate by Georgia Lyn Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Lyn Hunter
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
    “It’s too early. I’ll get something at work.” She picked up her tote and followed him out of the room, every bit of her aware of him.
    “We’ll stop off at the police station first,” he said as they headed toward the stairs, “and you can file charges against those men.”
    “Oh…” She pressed a hand to her suddenly churning tummy.
    “There’s no need to fear, I’ll be with you.”
    He would, she knew. That calmed her a little. “Thank you.”
    Moments later, they stepped outside into warm, early morning sunshine. Darci faltered to a stop on the marbled portico and gawked at the view surrounding her.
    Miles and miles of rolling park-like grounds spread out on either side of her. A circular driveway headed back into the tall trees in the distance. As the morning sun climbed up from behind them, it reflected off the castle. Thick, climbing green ivy diminished the starkness of the gray walls.
    She’d known this was a castle, but still, nothing prepared her for the sheer breathtaking beauty of it, like she’d fallen into a fairytale. She walked down the few steps then looked up to the top of the building at the imposing towers, crenelated battlement, and terraces in all their glorious splendor.
    “This place is incredible. Where exactly are we?”
    “On our island estate just off Manhasset Bay — on Long Island Sound.”
    Her gaze snapped to him. They owned an island? It shouldn’t fit this lethal man, but yet, it somehow did. Her gaze drifted back to the front of the circular driveway, and her eyes widened at the sleek black predator parked there. Much like the man himself.
    A Bugatti Veyron. Why did she think he’d drive one of those badass SUVs?
    Blaéz held the passenger door open. He stood too close. His body heat enfolded her, his sexy mouth was just a tempting head tilt away. In sheer self-preservation, Darci clambered into a low seat of sublime decadence. She dropped her tote to the floorboard and inhaled a deep, calming breath.
    He shut the door, rounded the hood, and got in beside her. The engine purred to life, and they left the castle behind and soon crossed a steel bridge running over clear blue waters. She glanced at Blaéz as he shifted gears, but his entire focus appeared to be on the road. Guess he wasn't one for small talk.
    An hour later, at the police station downtown, Blaéz waited while she laid charges against the three men who’d attacked her last night. Tagg, the detective on the case, a big man with a buzz cut and sharp angular features took her statement. Only Blaéz’s presence next to her kept her sane and not running as she relived the incident. Thank God she didn't have to see her attackers face-to-face. The mug shots to identify them didn't help much since it had been dark and she could barely make them out.
    After they left the police station, she became aware of how quiet Blaéz had gone. Nothing showed on his face, but something was different; she could feel the distance like a widening chasm. He’d withdrawn from her.
    She tried to understand what had happened. What had changed since that morning?
    Yes, he’d saved her. That she understood, then he’d taken her to his home to recover, which she didn't get. She knew he liked her. Heck, the guy had threatened a sit-in at her library until she’d agreed to see him. And now, he’d just switched off?
    She didn't buy it. “What’s wrong?”
    “I see…” Her fingers clenched on her lap. “Then why did you take me to your home — protect me?”
    “I would have done so for anyone.”
    Unexpected hurt shimmered through her. Well, that set her straight. She wasn’t anyone special, just a job. Darci picked up her tote as he brought the sleek vehicle to a purring halt in front of the library. She opened the door, but he was already there.
    “Thanks for the ride and for saving me last night—”
    “I don’t expect thanks,” he cut her off, tone terse. “I'm just

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