    “The tampons. I saw… Is it a bad time?”
    “Not yet.”
    “I need to be inside you.” The hungry rasp of his voice drove through me like a shot of liquid lust, instantly.
    I stepped to the side, making space for Hunter. He moved under the shower and wet his hair. Water cascaded down his body, glistening on every hard muscle on his chest and abs. I reached out to touch his sunk-in stomach just to make sure the six-pack, which honestly looked like an eight-pack, wasn’t sprayed on. He smoothed my wet hair back and drew his thumb over my lower lip. I took his hand into mine, and kissed it before weaving our fingers, pressing our palms together. There was something so sensual to this touch. His body language showed me more than any words could say. Hunter needed me. I had to be his rock tonight the way he’d been mine since the day I met him in my salon. I would give this my all—I would give him my all and let him take whatever he wanted and whatever he needed. No questions, no expectations—except that my heart was already making space for Hunter to fill in that spot I’d been keeping for the one .
    “I’m so sorry, Grace.”
    “You did nothing wrong.” I pressed my finger to his lips when he wanted to say more and whispered, “Take me, Hunter. Take anything you need.”
    And with my permission his lips seized mine, his body consumed me, and I felt like the light of our souls connected us, blending our brightness into one, beaming further out each time his tongue pushed deeper into my mouth. His hands grasped at my skin and his soft need transferred from his lungs into mine, into a greedy desire that only I could fulfill. He kissed me like he never had before—with everything he had.
    I combed my fingers through his long hair as he lifted me up into his arms. Wrapping my legs around him, I guided my body over Hunter and slid onto him, grasping his ready length with hunger. His hands held my ass as he wedged himself inside me, slowly at first, breathing into my neck, skimming his lips over my jaw, taking my mouth with just enough force for me to meet his need and reply with my own. My hips picked up the momentum. Holding onto his shoulders I rubbed myself against him, rocking my body with his, lolling my head back.
    “Look at me, Grace,” he whispered through the falling water, moving forward. The cool surface of the wall touched my back as Hunter used it for support. The thrust of his hips intensified. He drove hard into me, then paused, and thrust again, even harder, watching the pleasure of his demand glow in my eyes. My mouth formed a perfect O as I lost my entire body to his advance.
    Hunter’s cheeks hardened and his gaze bore through me, while he waited expectantly until that continuous rubbing action sparked inside me and slowly began to detonate. I reached for his neck, holding on as the inevitable orgasm spasmed through me, rushing shock waves through my body as my leg muscles tightened around his waist. I felt myself squeeze around Hunter as his hips buckled twice more and he leaned his head against mine, before setting me down to the ground.
    He removed the condom I hadn’t noticed, tied it up and threw it into a garbage can. Hunter reached for the sponge and slowly began drawing it up and down my body, thoroughly washing me.
    “Why do you sleep weird?” I asked as the sponge drew under my breast.
    “What’s weird?”
    I held my breath until Hunter guided me to turn around and glided the sponge over my shoulder blades and down my back.
    “On the floor, and with a towel under your head.”
    “It’s something I got used to a while back. I don’t need a lot to survive. Just the bare essentials… and you.”
    His hand slid to my ass, where he took extra care pulling through the crack and down between my legs. I felt my need for him revive and my muscles tighten at the touch. A new spark began to buzz deep in my belly.
    “When will the salon be ready?” he

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