The Indestructibles

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Book: The Indestructibles by Matthew Phillion Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matthew Phillion
Tags: Superhero/Sci-Fi
were close enough to dock on their own, she flew away, waving back to the thankful faces onboard.
          Then, she heard Emily.
          "Uh, help?"
          It was unnerving to hear her through one of the small earbuds Doc distributed so that they could coordinate responses with each other. Emily sounded less distressed than confused, but Jane rushed to her side anyway. She found Emily holding two buildings apart, each one tipping slowly toward the other. Jane watched as the faint, heat-mirage-like shimmer of Emily's power encapsulated both buildings. She was having trouble splitting her focus.
          "I've got the one on the right," said Jane. She paused before flying too close, afraid Emily's gravity bubbles would knock her out of the air again. Emily let her field drop and Jane leapt in, pushing the building back to a more stable location.
          "That's not going to stay," Emily said.
          "I know. I just — "
          "This is insane," Billy muttered into his headphones. "I know it makes me a bad person, but I'll take fighting a guy in a super-suit over a natural disaster any day."
          "Focus, Billy," Kate said. All business. Her voice reverberated. Jane thought she might be underground somewhere.
          "He has a point, though," Emily said. "I can move buildings but I'm kinda not qualified to make sure they — "
          Jane whipped her head around when she heard Emily cut off only to see the blue-haired teenager lift up a car with the point of a single finger. Underneath, Jane spied the squirming figure of an injured middle-aged man.
          "Help!" Emily again, panic rising in her voice. "I don't know what to do!"
          Jane rocketed down, landed beside the man, who was now bleary-eyed and unresponsive. She examined him, her solar-powered senses identifying all the injuries assaulting his body, but her very human mind, without any real medical training, at a loss for what to do next.
          She launched herself back in the air and gestured towards Emily to remain with the injured man. Jane scanned the horizon searching for flashing red lights. Finally, she discovered an ambulance a few blocks away and raced toward the vehicle.
          "I need help," she said, realizing how ridiculous it sounded, standing there in her super-hero costume in front of a team of EMTs. "There's a guy — "
          One of the medics, a young man with prematurely receding hair, grabbed a duffel and held out a hand.
          "Take me to him," he said.
          Jane scooped the EMT up and transported him to the victim's side. She felt the medic's grip on her arm tighten, sensed his pulse rate skyrocket as they took to the air. When they landed, his legs wobbled, but he immediately tried to stabilize the victim. Emily, still there, sat in a childlike crouch, her steampunk goggles pulled down tight over her eyes.
          "All kinds of heroes, huh Jane?"
          "Yeah," Jane said. "Takes all kinds."
          Titus's voice chimed in through their earpieces. They'd left the werewolf back at the tower to monitor news reports. While his strength in werewolf form might have proved helpful, the risks were too great to bring him. Jane imagined Titus sitting in front of the monitor alone. Even Doc had come to help. Earlier, she watched him turn a collapsed stretch of roadway into butterflies with a wave of his hand.
          "Guys, you should see this," Titus said.
          "Tell me there isn't another disaster area," Billy said.
          "Report, Titus," Kate chirped in.
          Titus ignored Billy and, as usual, responded to Kate. Jane saw a change in the forlorn werewolf since he'd been partnered with Kate in the field more often. He deferred to her, but Kate also spoke to him like an equal, which she rarely did with anyone else.
          "You'll not believe what this," Titus said. "I'm looking at the weather patterns leading right up to the start

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