A Voice from the Field

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Book: A Voice from the Field by Neal Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neal Griffin
Courthouse. The call had been stunning. Tough-as-nails Tia Suarez had been reduced on the witness stand to a sobbing mess, screaming about the girl in her head.
    He’d had no choice. Police Chief Ben Sawyer had ordered Tia into “no-duty” status pending a psychiatric examination. Everyone—Ben included—assumed Tia was suffering from post-traumatic stress as a result of the shooting incident. There was some talk about forcing her into early retirement—a suggestion Ben rejected absolutely. After two months of intensive therapy, Tia had been cleared to return to limited duty.
    Back at work the second time, Tia had let Ben know she understood. She’d said all the right things, including that there were no hard feelings and that she didn’t blame him, but Ben knew things would never be the same between them. Their relationship was now strictly professional and Ben missed their friendship.
    And now he had to wonder, Should she even be a cop anymore?
    There was gossip about Tia showing up for work in rough shape. Hitting the bottle, hard. Maybe misusing her meds.
    Ben knew the time might soon come when he would be forced to make a tough decision about Tia’s future.
    He shook his head, wondering how he had ended up on the wrong side of this fight. He picked up the phone and punched out the number he had written on his notepad. The call was answered after two rings.
    â€œThis is Patricia Graham.”
    â€œMs. Graham? Ben Sawyer calling from Newberg. We spoke earlier and I promised you a callback.”
    â€œYes, Chief. Did you get everything worked out?”
    Ben leaned back against his desk and looked out the window at the parking lot. He saw Tia walking toward her GTO with the short, jerky pace she used when she was really heated up.
    â€œI spoke to my detective. We’ll have no further contact with Kane.”
    â€œI’m glad to hear that.” The voice was laced with the fake sincerity lawyers specialize in. “I’ll smooth things over on this end. I don’t want anything coming down on your officer.”
    â€œShe’s a detective, actually.” He’d heard from Jackson about Graham’s mischaracterization of Tia’s rank; he wasn’t going to let her get away with it either.
    â€œYes, of course. Just no more jailhouse visits, okay? And make sure she gives Mr. Kane a wide berth.”
    â€œLike I said, Ms. Graham, we’re out,” Ben answered, matching the woman’s terseness. “But I have to say, this is a tough pill to swallow. You kicked this thing all the way down to disorderly? Seems like you settled pretty low. I guess we’re just used to taking officer-assault charges a little more serious in Waukesha County.”
    â€œI thought we agreed, based on Suarez’s history, that it would be a good idea to avoid any court proceedings.”
    â€œForget about what Suarez may or may not have seen. I get it. But that doesn’t change the fact Kane assaulted her.”
    â€œI understand how you feel, Chief. But I’ve seen the surveillance footage. Your detective got her licks in as well.”
    Ben was confused. “What surveillance footage?”
    Graham sounded flustered when she continued after a long pause. “Thanks for speaking with Suarez, Chief. I hope we get a chance to work together again soon.”
    â€œHang on a second. What did you mean by—”
    The phone line went dead. Ben was certain TJ had told him Tia had wandered off camera. Why was the lawyer talking about surveillance footage? He took another look out his window and saw the sleek white GTO still in the lot. Tia sat in the driver’s seat, her head resting against the steering wheel.
    A friend would go to her, he thought. Instead, you sent her off to talk to the frickin’ shrink. Again . He pulled the string and the venetian blinds snapped shut. He moved to his desk and got busy being the chief.


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