Maid to Order

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Book: Maid to Order by Rebecca Avery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Avery
ideas she had for her bakery.
    Regardless of her attempts to flirt with him, she was obviously a little nervous around him but she didn’t allow that to stop her. In fact that was probably what contributed to her overall chattiness.
    Faced with such an awkward evening in his company she was nothing but pleasant and brave. Either way, by the time the waitress returned to ask if they wanted anything else so she could bring the bill, Rusty found himself a little disappointed that the time with her was coming to an end.
    He’d missed working out at the gym with Ronnie, Seth and Ian and hadn’t even called them to let them know he wouldn’t be there. Which was completely out of character for him. A part of him feared that if Amy knew he was missing out on other plans she would rush through dinner. Instead he chalked it up to his friends getting a little of their own treatment, since they’d dissed him a few times in the past.
    Rusty found he wasn’t willing to give Amy an excuse to end this evening prematurely, regardless of how odd it felt from time to time. The waitress returned and informed Amy that she’d ran her card and asked her to sign a receipt. Amy smiled at him like a Cheshire Cat knowing that once again she’d bested him… found a way around him.
    “I gave them my card on the way to the restroom because you are not paying for dinner after the way you busted your very nice butt for me today. I really do appreciate everything,” she said, smiling another gloating grin at him.
    After dropping Amy back off at the bakery, ensuring that she made it safely inside her vehicle and watching her drive away, he headed home himself. He was physically tired but could not shake the stupid smile he wore until walking in the door to his house he eyed his dining room table and his gun cabinet.
    The realization hit that after tomorrow this job would end as well. He’d made a promise to Amy though so his own personal issues would once again have to wait until another day.
    After a quick shower, he’d just laid down when his cell phone rang. Looking at the display and seeing Ian’s name there he answered, knowing he should explain himself.
    “We missed you tonight. Did you get lost between your house and the gym?” Ian asked.
    “No, I certainly did not. You know damn well a real man doesn’t get lost. If you need gossip material for your next girl’s night out with your lovely wife and Ms. Reynolds… then just know that I had a better offer for this evening. That’s all.”
    “She didn’t happen to come with a ready supply of cupcakes… now did she?” Ian asked with a chuckle.
    “I’m afraid that Ms. Carlton lacks the maturity I seek in a female companion. However, I am curious why you never chased her down for yourself. I thought blondes were your thing?” Rusty asked in return.
    “Courtney had already caught me in her web before I ever actually met Amy. She’s a real sweet woman though, so you might want to rethink your ideas on maturity . What’s the worst that could happen if you asked her out? Being turned down sucks but if she were to say yes… wouldn’t it be worth the risk of rejection?” Ian laughed.
    “I’m going to bed since its extremely late and I might suggest you do the same,” Rusty replied.
    “Should we expect you at the gym tomorrow evening?” Ian asked with an even heartier laugh.
    “I don’t answer to you, Sergeant. If I show up then I show up. If I don’t then don’t concern yourself with where I am or who I might be with,” Rusty said.
    Ian only laughed louder so Rusty hung up on him and, after crawling into his bed, he laid awake for several minutes unable to get warm hazel eyes and a dimpled cheek out of his mind. Forget that she was probably at least ten years younger than him, she was also way to pretty for him. She could easily date male models, movie stars or extremely wealthy men with looks like that. A grumpy old man with far too many emotional scars was way beneath

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