Heart of the Hunter

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Book: Heart of the Hunter by Chance Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chance Carter
Tags: Fiction, Literary, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, bad boy, Womens
No bullshit conversations. No pretending to be interested in whatever was happening around me.
    Most importantly, no Kelly, fucking with my head and waving her tight little body in my face.
    That girl had me through a loop. She’d made me forget what the fuck it was I was doing there. I wasn’t there to babysit, and sure as shit wasn’t there to rescue her from whatever boring existence she called a life. I was there to lay low for a couple weeks and then move on. I forgot that for a few hours and really fucked this whole thing up, but that was over. I was going to empty this bottle into me, pour myself into my ride, and find another place to wait out this storm.
    Fucking girl. Fucking good little girl, got to me with her pretty eyes and sweet pussy.
    What are you, some kind of rookie, Hunter? Fucking amateur hour today is what you were, letting some cute piece of ass take you over. Was it worth it?
    I took a drag of my smoke and chased it with a swig from the pint. It was worth it, and I fucking knew it.
    I didn’t want to admit it, but it was the goddamn truth. As I sat there staring at the busted up door and alternating between smoke and bottle, all I could think about was Kelly. The whiskey was doing nothing to calm my head or my cock. All it did was make me want to fly down the street, storm her door, and rip off that cute little outfit she was wearing. I wanted to see her face as she sat that tight pussy on my cock, watch her eyes widen as I bounced her up and down and made her perky tits jump.
    Fucking hell. You’ve got to get out of town, pal. You’re fucking slipping.
    Hell of a day.
    As I put the nearly drained bottle down on the table next to me, the song ended downstairs and there was quiet.
    What shit are we going to listen to next, boys?
    I couldn’t hear anything and thought for a moment they were about to drink in silence, like real men. Then I heard a slow pounding start up, but it wasn’t a drum beat. It was the door outside swinging shut and the sound of footsteps climbing my stairs. Two sets.
    No one knew I was here. No one needed to be here except me. No one was leaving here except me.
    I slid open the drawer on my bedside table and had a decision to make. Pistol or steel?
    I settled on steel. I figured if I was going to waste the two motherfuckers climbing my steps there was no need to frighten the civilians anymore than I already had. Make it quiet, make it quick. Stash the bodies in this shit heap of an apartment and be on my way. The last order of business for Hunter Donnelly in Stone Peak, Montana.
    The footsteps stopped just outside my door and a fist pounded three times, slow and steady.
    Shit, at least they had the courtesy to knock.
    You’re kinder men than me, fellas. Fucking dumber, but kinder.
    I let my hand holding the blade fall to my side as I made my way to the door. Looked like there was going to be some more bloodshed and sweat left on this town, but what could I do? Trouble finds trouble. That’s just the way it was.
    Hell of a day.

Chapter 15
    T HE KNOCKS CAME AGAIN, AND a little bit louder than before.
    I’m coming, motherfuckers. Don’t you worry.
    I wrapped my hand around the door handle, took a deep breath, and ripped it open, stepping out of the way of whatever was standing outside and about to come crashing in.
    A fist came flying through the door. I caught it with my free hand and lifted the body attached to it into the wall, sending a cheap painting falling to the ground and shattering the frame.
    I stood there seething, with my arm pinning the fucker’s head to the wall. I was about to bring the blade up to his neck when I heard him choke his words out.
    “Hunter, Hunter, it’s me, son. It’s me, Dennis.”
    I looked up and sure enough, the bloodshot eyes bulging out of the terrified face staring back at me were Denny’s. I took my arm off his throat and let him drop back to his feet while he coughed and tried to catch his breath.
    “Jesus, boy! What

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