Defining Moments

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Book: Defining Moments by Andee Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andee Michelle
Tags: Romance
“How old do you think I am?”
    “If I had to guess, I’d think around my age, maybe a little younger,” I answer.
    He laughs lightly before replying again. “I’m forty-two.”
    This surprises me and he must see it on my face because he quirks an eyebrow at me.
    “What? Don’t like old guys?” he laughs.
    “Okay, first of all, forty-two isn’t old. That’s only three years older than me. But you don’t look remotely near forty-two. I swear, men just get better looking with age and women just look old.” I watch his face for his reaction.
    He throws his head back and laughs, just as a waiter walks up with our entrees. It smells and looks amazing.
    I don’t wait for him to respond before I’m diving into my pasta. It’s like heaven and I can’t stop the moan that comes from my lips. I hear him chuckle and look up as he takes his first bite.
    I just roll my eyes and continue eating this amazing dinner.
    We make small talk in between sipping wine and eating dinner. The time flies by so quickly I don’t even notice we’ve been here for more than three hours. I hear my phone chime in my purse and pull it out to check it.
    Ben: Where the hell are you, Ma?
    Me: Simmer down. We are still at the restaurant. We’re eating and chatting. I promise to text you when we leave.
    Before I even hit send, I hear Cord’s phone vibrate, and watch as a smile spreads across his face. It makes me wonder who could make him light up like that.
    “It seems I’ve had you out too long,” he chuckles.
    “Why would you say that?” I ask, shaking my head and watching as he slowly hands me his phone.
    BigBen: You better still be at the restaurant. Keep your hands to yourself.
    I snort and then laugh because I snorted, and then I can’t help but continue because this is just ridiculous. I watch as Cord responds.
    Cord: No worries, kid. I’ll have her home by midnight.
    I look up at him and he winks.
    BigBen: Fuck that! She better be home in the next half hour or I’m coming to the restaurant.
    I can’t help but chuckle until I see Cord’s face fall. Shit, I hope he’s not offended.
    “I’ll take care of this,” I tell him.
    Me: Benjamin Charles! I am a grown-ass woman and I’ll come home when I’m ready. Stop threatening Cord! We are talking and having a good time. He’s been a complete gentleman. I’ll be home later. Stop worrying!
    I look up to see that Cord is watching what I’m typing. His eyes meet mine and he smiles.
    Cord’s phone vibrates and he smiles when he looks at it, before turning it to me so I can see Ben’s text.
    BigBen: I apologize. I just worry about her. Please continue to be a gentleman.
    I smile at him, because I know he is just a loving son, worried about his newly single mom.
    “It makes my heart full to know your boys love you and worry about you so much, Ell,” he says and I cringe at the nickname, before he asks, “What’s wrong?”
    “It’s Ellie. I hate the nickname Ell. Only Justin calls me that, and it’s like a bad memory now,” I tell him gently.
    “Noted. No Ell,” he responds with understanding. “So is Ellie short for something?”
    “Yep, it’s short for Eleanor. Although no one has called me that since I was little, except my parents,” I answer with a smile.
    He nods in understanding, but I can see something is bothering him.
    “Don’t sweat it, Cord,” I tell him with a smile. I don’t want him to think he’s upset me.
    We continue to chat and I have two more glasses of wine, while Cord changes to water after one glass. I like that.
    When we finally decide it’s time to go, I realize we’ve been here for four hours. I text Ben and tell him we are on our way back to the apartment.
    Angelica hugs Cord as we get up to leave, and I can tell they are a close family. She shakes my hand and is polite, but sense that she wants to say something more. I excuse myself to use the ladies’ room before we leave.
    As I’m

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