Relentless Pursuit
completely covered in black. Pierce willed himself to struggle as the ropes tightened across his chest and dug into arms. The sounds of duct tape being ripped instilled a new level of fear as his feet were taped together and then his hands.
    The man’s shadow appeared before his face again and for a split second Pierce saw the whites of his teeth in the darkness as the man smiled. “Goodbye, Mr. Davies.” The man’s voice triggered something in the back of Pierce’s mind. It was familiar somehow, but before he could remember, the taser was pressed to his bare chest once again and Pierce slowly faded into the night.
    Tammy turned onto the small country road leading to Pierce’s farm and pressed on the gas. This late at night there wouldn’t be anyone on the roads. Her headlights outlined the black four-board fences as she passed pastures full of cows, horses, and crops that sparkled in the moonlight.
    She'd have enjoyed the drive more if she weren’t so afraid of what Pierce would think when she turned up at his house. “I wonder if he sleeps naked?” Tammy asked herself with a grin.
    Tammy cruised around the sweeping curve in the road and gasped as a pair of headlights came right at her. Slamming on her brakes and swerving off the road, Tammy managed to avoid the accident. She cursed as she caught a glimpse of a larger man driving and a smaller figure in the passage seat.
    “Asshole!” Tammy yelled out her window at the rapidly disappearing car. She got out of her car and walked around it, making sure there was no damage before pulling out of the grass and back onto the road.
    Tammy kept her window down and let the wind blow her short hair around her face. Before long the incident with the other driver was out of her mind. Much to her chagrin, she was completely wrapped up imagining knocking on the door to Pierce’s house. Pierce answered wearing nothing but a towel slung low around his hips, having just emerged from a shower. Okay, it was almost guaranteed he wouldn’t be taking a shower at two-thirty in the morning, but this was her fantasy and he was wet and naked in it.
    He'd open the door and smile down at her. Pierce would run his hand slowly down her arm and take her hand into his, pulling her close. His wet body would dampen her shirt, exposing the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath it. With a wicked smile, Pierce would notice and flames would flicker… no, wait!   Flames really were flickering across the dark skyline.
    Smoke danced in the moonlight as Tammy pressed hard on the gas pedal and dialed 9-1-1. She knew instantly where the fire had originated. She just hoped Pierce was burning brush and it wasn’t what she feared.
    As Tammy drove closer, she knew her prayers weren’t answered. Smoke was pouring out of Pierce’s house. The back of the house where she remembered the kitchen to be was engulfed in flames.
    Tammy leapt from her car and ran to the front door. As she opened the door, smoke assaulted her and pushed her back. She coughed to inhale fresh air. A figure drew her attention, though. Through the smoke she thought she saw Pierce sitting in a chair. Pulling up her shirt to cover her mouth, Tammy took a deep breath and rushed in, keeping as low as she could.
    “Tammy?” Pierce coughed.
    “Get up, hurry!” Tammy called as she rushed toward him.
    “I can’t. I’m tied up. Get out. Save yourself.” Pierce yelled, his voice husky from the smoke.
    “Aw, save Gus! Save Gus! That’s a good bird,” Gus squawked from the bottom of his cage.
    Tammy hurried to the cage and opened the door. Gus jumped out and climbed up her arm. Reaching into her cowboy boot, she pulled out her knife. With a flip of the wrist, the sharp blade flicked out and Tammy set to work on the rope around Pierce’s bare chest. Apparently fate had a sense of humor as she thought of her dream to keep from panicking. 
    “Where did you get a knife?” Pierce asked in amazement as she pulled off the

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