The Ride of Her Life

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Book: The Ride of Her Life by Lorna Seilstad Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorna Seilstad
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Christian
wandered beyond hearing distance before, but he had this time.
    She glanced around at the Midway surrounding them. A long row of ghostly booths sat under wide-arched entrances. Still absent of wares and hawkers since the season had yet to begin, they almost begged to be explored. Perhaps he’d gone to do that.
    The roller skating rink, shooting gallery, and bowling alley were open on the weekends, but not today. Even the carousel horses had yet to begin their endless circle of trotting. Levi might find any of these places a fascinating adventure.
    Why hadn’t she checked on him earlier?
    She opened the lunch counter’s screen door. “Eugenia, I can’t find Levi. I need to go look for him.”
    Eugenia hurried out. “I know he was out here ten minutes ago when I came out to hang up the wet dish towels in back.”
    “Then he can’t have gone far.” Lilly called for him again. No answer. A lump the size of a dumpling formed in her throat, panic making it grow more each minute. “Why don’t you check in the Midway, and I’ll check that grove of trees he’s so fond of?”
    The girl nodded, and Lilly hurried off. She wound her way through the grove of cottonwoods and oaks, calling his name over and over. She crossed the top of a fallen log and snagged her dress. Yanking it free, she paused to stick her finger through the tear in the calico print. One more thing to mend.
    “Levi!” Scanning the woods, she tried to think like him. Where had Levi said he found the snake? Maybe he’d returned Flower home so she could visit her family.
    Flower’s new home.
    The snake cage.
    She hiked up her skirt and ran. Her ankle twisted on a root, but she didn’t fall or let the pain stop her. Finally she reached the path leading to the roller coaster. She pressed her hand to the stitch in her side, trying to fight off the fear threatening to consume her. Please, Lord, let him be safe. Let Nick have him.
    But if Levi were there, why hadn’t Nick brought him back?

    Even from a distance, Nick recognized Levi Hart’s sure-footed skip. The boy looked happy as a lark as he made his way down the long, narrow path between the diner and the roller coaster site. Did he have a snake in his hand?
    Laughter rumbled in Nick’s chest. Only Levi would carry a snake around like a pull toy. The boy paused to watch a duck waddle across the path toward the lake. Then he tried to emulate the duck’s waddle for several yards.
    Nick’s chest warmed at the sight. He’d missed the little character and couldn’t wait to show him the shiny hinges he’d picked up for Flower’s cage.
    When Levi spotted him, he broke into a run, the snake’s body swinging like a piece of rope from the boy’s fist. Thankfully, Levi held the snake just below its head.
    “Hey, Levi.” Nick squatted down to eye level with the six-year-old. He adjusted the collar on Levi’s brown tweed jacket. “Does your mama know you’re here?”
    “You sure?”
    He nodded. “Got to get Flower in her new house. Mama says having a house is ’portant.”
    “I suppose it is to some folks.”
    “What about you, Mr. Nick?”
    “Not so much.” He stood and took Levi’s hand. “But I’m sure Flower is going to love her new home. I put the hinges on the door, but I saved putting the latch on for us to do together.” Nick led Levi behind the woodpile to the small work area and showed him the cage, now covered in a fresh coat of red paint with the name “Flower” lettered in yellow. Nick had even added a single bud, albeit slightly imperfect. He was certainly no Michelangelo.
    Levi squealed. “It’s so pretty!”
    Nick lifted the cage from the table and lowered it to the ground. “Why don’t you give Flower a tour of her new home?”
    After lifting the hinged lid, Levi dropped the snake in with a thud. It slithered around with an angry hiss.
    Levi frowned. “I don’t think she likes it.”
    “Buddy, I think she might be a little upset from her

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