Cosmic Bounty

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Book: Cosmic Bounty by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
words, his need poured silently from him with every glance in her direction. It showed in each predatory movement from his powerful body.
    Hul shifted away from her, walking to the cabin’s table, lowering his large frame onto the chair, before switching on the holo screen.
    “Are you going to keep ignoring me forever?” Kat snapped in annoyance of his avoidance behavior.
    “I do not ignore you.” His gaze flickered over her standing in the middle of the room. “Is there something you need?”
    “Yes, there is.” She stepped up to the table. “For you to stop being an ass and tell me what the matter is.”
    He switched off the holo screen, giving her his full attention. His eyebrow arched in a questioning manner.
    “ Gol told me the women of your planet like to be in charge and boss you all around.”
    “That is one way to summarize it.”
    “I don’t think you’re the kind of Demos who likes giving up control.”
    His face was a blank mask, unreadable, as he stared intently at her and said nothing.
    She licked her lips; they suddenly felt extremely dry. “You know, I’m not a Demos female and though I like to be bossy sometimes, I also like it when my men take charge. It makes me feel protected, cared for and most of all loved. I believe there should be a balance of give and take in any relationship. Don’t you think so?”
    “You wish me to take charge of you?” He visibly swallowed. “Have I not already proven myself unworthy? I was a brute to try and force you to eat the Ossisso . I will make more errors. You must command me, and not I you.”
    Kat smiled and shook her head. She could see in his eyes he struggled with the effort to keep himself under control. How odd that a simple sausage could cause such a problem.
    She stepped in closer, placing her hand on his arm. The slight touch burned through her. She felt the sexual tension in the air.
    “It's not about who’s in charge or who’s not; it’s about the balance in a relationship. Physically, we are far from equal. It’s clear you have superior technology, from what I am used to, but it doesn’t mean I can’t learn. I love it that you are bigger and stronger. It gives me a feeling of safety. Every action you have taken, since you rescued me from the Jorval , has proven how much you care. Despite the Ossisso , I know you only wanted to share your food and care for me.”
    Moving forward, she crawled up onto his lap. His arms curled around her, holding her in place. She watched his breath quicken, his body tighten and his eyes darken with a burning desire. She smiled seductively, yet shyly.
    “Don’t tell the others, but I like it when you’re all commanding and in charge. It turns me on.”
    “Kat.” Her name sounded with a deep groan. He reached out, cupping her face in his large hand. “For one so small, how do you know so much about us? You bring joy to my heart I never believed possible.”
    His eyes searched hers. “I vowed always to be gentle with you; I do not trust myself not to harm you. It is not the Demos way for us to subject our females to our whims.”
    “I trust you, Hul , and that’s all that matters. And I think you’ve already noticed I’m not a Demos female. Even if I learn your ways, I’ll always be human. I’m not always going to be compliant, but I’m not demanding either. As long as I have you four, I am a happy woman. Weeks ago, I would have laughed at anyone who thought life beyond the stars existed, let alone the idea I would end up married to alien quads. But now, I believe anything is possible. And I want you to believe it too and most especially to believe in yourself.”
    In that moment Hul lost his inner battle. His hand speared up into her hair, gripping it tightly and angling her head for his deep, possessive, dominating kiss.
    She wantonly rubbed her lower half against his leg in need. He shoved up her dress and tossed it off her body, leaving her naked. Straddling his lap, her bare, wet pussy

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