Find You in the Dark
      “ I hope so.”  I said.  Clay gave me a coy smile.  “Oh, I know so.”  He replied.

                                               Chapter Five
      If I could have cut off my legs, I would have.  Every muscle from the waist down ached and I couldn't suppress the groan as I sat down at my usual lunch table.  Rachel looked up from her phone and tried to hide the smile on her face. 
      “ What?” I growled, slowly swinging my legs around as I situated myself oh, so carefully.  Rachel spooned some pudding into her mouth and shook her head.  “Nothing.”  She mumbled around her food.  I glared at her.  Daniel wasn't so discrete.  “Why are you moving like an old lady, Mags?  You look ridiculous.”  I picked up a potato chip and chucked it at him.
      “ Coach Kline made me run this morning because I didn't show up for practice a couple of days this week.  He was kind of pissed.”  I leaned down and rubbed my calf muscles, trying to alleviate the burning sensation.
      I understood why Coach was mad.  I was his star runner and I had disappointed him.  We had our first meet coming up on Friday and I had blown off practice three times this week.  I felt guilty for shirking on my responsibility.  But, I couldn't regret using the time to get to know Clay instead. 
      We had gone “exploring” a few more times.  We had gone hiking at Crooked Run National Park, played mini golf in Warminster and seen a movie at the IMAX theater in Charlottesville.  I loved spending time with Clay.  For the first time, my life felt interesting, exhilarating even. 
      I found myself doing things and trying things that I never would have done before.  Like eating Thai food and watching a foreign movie with subtitles.  Okay, that may not seem like a lot...but I would never have thought to do any of that stuff until Clay came along. 
       “ You blew off practice?  Seriously?”  Daniel asked incredulously.  Rachel looked out the window behind her.  “Is it snowing?”  She asked in mock surprise.  “Hardee, har, har, you two.”  I got what they were saying.  Me doing something outside of my norm was unheard of.  I went along, doing my thing, not deviating.  Which is why until three weeks ago, I was hopelessly and utterly bored. 
      Now...well, I looked forward to getting out of bed. 
      “ Where the heck have you been slinking off to then?”  Daniel seemed really confused by this.  I understood his surprise.  Typically if I wasn't at a) school, or b) home, I was with he and Rachel.  Me developing a life outside of them was just weird.  Like the earth had been thrown off of it's axis.
      “ Well, I...” I started, but was cut off by a voice behind me.  “Mind if I sit with you guys?”  I turned around- (very carefully of course, sore muscles here-) and saw Clay standing there with his lunch tray.  He gave me a small smile, his eyes flicking to Rachel and Daniel. 
      This was the first time I had seen him in the cafeteria since the Paul Delawder incident.  I quickly looked at my friends.  Rachel had her mouth hanging open and Daniel was frowning.  Neither of them spoke.  Geesh.  Rude much?
      I pulled out the chair beside me.  “Have a seat.”  Clay sat down and put his tray on the table.  He looked at me.  Just like every time our eyes met, I felt my face flush.  I swallowed and then turned to Rachel and Daniel.  “Rachel, Daniel, this is Clay.  Clay these are my friends Rachel Bradfield and Daniel Lowe.”  Clay gave them a shy smile.  “Hey.” 
      Neither of my friends said anything.  They seemed to be a bit taken aback by Clay's appearance at our table.  How humiliating!  “Say hi, you two.  Or he'll think you never learned to talk.”  I rolled my eyes and Clay smiled tightly.  I could tell he was uncomfortable. 
      Rachel blinked rapidly, the way she did when she was

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