Blowing on Dandelions

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Book: Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miralee Ferrell
Tags: Romance, Western, oregon, Mothers, widow, Daughters
smoke. “Are you all right?”
    “Yes. But my shoulder hurts, and my leg is under a timber. It’s too hot to touch, and I can’t lift it. The rest of the ceiling doesn’t look good.”
    “I’m coming in and bringing help.” The pastor and Jeffery Tucker, the boarder who lived at the Galloway house, emerged through the gloom, each carrying a bucket of water. They dumped it on the burning wood that pinned Micah’s ankle, sending trails of steam into the smoke-saturated air. Jeffery placed a shovel under the beam and hoisted it off to the side.
    Seth leaned over, a damp cloth pressed against his mouth. “Let’s get you out of here before this ceiling comes down around our heads.” He beckoned to the man at his side. “Tucker, grab his other arm and help me hoist him up.”
    Micah grunted his thanks and winced as the pastor drew him to his feet. “Tucker.” He emitted a long, wracking cough, his eyes streaming with tears. “Grab that box of tools?” He gestured at the box that had caused him to return. Even after hurting his leg, he had no intention of leaving it behind.
    Tucker didn’t question but scooped up the wood container. “Pastor, need any help?”
    “We’re good. Go.” Pastor Seth kept his arm across Micah’s back. “I hope that whatever is in there was worth risking your life for, man. Put this over your mouth.” He pushed the wet cloth into Micah’s hand. “Thank the good Lord you’re alive and not more seriously hurt.”
    Micah stifled a harsh reply and did as he was told. If the Lord were truly good, He’d not have allowed his barn and home to burn. Now he had nothing. No wife, no job, and no home.
    Katherine moved forward, still holding Lucy’s hand. “There. I see Leah. Let’s ask if she knows anything.” They moved away from the line of men that raced from the nearest watering trough to the livery with buckets. One man frantically pumped the water while others dipped their pails and dashed back to the burning building. It appeared to Katherine to be a lost cause. The roof was engulfed and starting to cave.
    Leah turned as Katherine and Lucy paused beside her. She drew them both close. “It’s awful. Someone is still inside. I saw two men go back in.”
    Katherine wrapped her arms around herself. Visions of Daniel’s body being carried from the mine overwhelmed her. Had Micah and Zachary perished in the living quarters upstairs, or had the townspeople spotted the fire in time for them to be saved? The memory returned of Micah smiling at her the day he’d driven his wagon past the boardinghouse. Sorrow tore at her heart. She’d entertained them in her home only three days ago, and now they might both be gone.
    She brushed a tear from her cheek. “Do you know what happened?”
    Leah shook her head. “Nobody does. Someone rang the bell, and everyone came running. When I got here, the fire had climbed the walls, and the men were dousing the closest buildings to keep it from spreading. There wasn’t much they could do to save the livery.”
    “You live a half mile from town. How did you get here so quickly?”
    Leah rolled her eyes in disgust. “Hunting for Pa again.”
    A shout went up along the line, and three men rushed toward the gaping doors. A man ran out the door lugging a large wood box. Close behind, a smoke-blackened figure leaned heavily on another man as they emerged from the barn. Eager hands whisked them from danger, but not before Katherine caught a glimpse of Micah Jacobs. Where was his son?
    Jeffery peered back at the crowd as he deposited the box of tools on the ground a dozen strides from the barn. Looked like the pastor could use a hand with Jacobs. He hustled to the injured man’s side and helped him hobble to a stump a good distance from the blaze.
    Micah lowered himself with a grunt. “You got my tools?”
    Jeffery nodded, irritated that the man cared so much for his tools and so little for his near brush with death. “Yes. The box is beside

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