Friends & Lovers Trilogy
items that she could contribute to the party. She
decided to make a spinach and raspberry salad and trifle for
desert. Just as Briana wrapped up the dishes, Kara came out in a
blue-green summer dress with strappy sandals.
    “ Ready?” Kara asked as she
coated her lips with a shimmery gloss.
    “ Yup. I just need to grab
my bag. You have your clothes for work?”
    Kara patted the small backpack that she
carried, frowning as she said, “Yes. It stinks that we have to work
tonight. We’re going to have to leave just when the party gets
    Briana ran to her room and grabbed her
stuff, then met Kara at the car to load everything. When they
arrived at the party there were already quite a few cars lining the
streets in front of the house. They followed the sound of the music
and the smell of the grill around the side of the house and let
themselves in through the gate. Pete and Nicole were sitting and
talking at one of the folding tables, while Rich manned the grill.
Colin, Kent and Roni stood awkwardly by a long table of food,
talking intermittently.
    Briana and Kara headed towards the table to
put the dishes down and said, “Hi,” to Pete and Nicole as they
    Kent walked over to Briana and leaned down
to give her a kiss. She stood still, conscious of the fact that
Colin was watching and unsure of how the next few minutes were
going to play out. Kent pulled back and looked down at her
    “ Everything all right,
Bree?” he asked confusion showing on his face.
    “ Yeah,” she responded.
“Everything’s fine.”
    She couldn’t stop her eyes from darting to
Colin and Roni. Kent followed her gaze and then turned back to
    “ Is there something going
on that I should know about?” He looked like he was trying not to
get upset.
    “ Um, let’s go inside and
talk,” she responded leading him through Rich’s sliding glass
    “ Don’t tell me you fell for
his shit already, Bree,” Kent started before she had a chance to
close the door.
    She saw Colin start, as if he was about to
follow them inside, but she shook her head at him and turned to
Kent. She looked up at him, her gaze taking in his blond hair and
beautiful grey eyes. He’d always been so good to her, never
pressuring her for more than she was ready to give. She felt
horrible that she couldn’t give him the one thing he’d always hoped
    “ Kent, it’s not about
Colin,” she began. “I love you, and I always will, but we both know
that this thing we’ve been doing for the past few years isn’t good
for either of us.”
    He dragged his hand through his hair as he
paced around the room. “Don’t tell me it’s not about him. Things
were great before he got here. Look, Bree, we have an
understanding… we always have. If one of is with someone, we back
off. It’s fine. I’ll let you have your fun with Colin, then I’ll be
here for you when it’s done.”
    He stopped in front of her and she saw the
hope on his face. She knew then that she had to let him go. He
deserved better than what she had to offer him.
    She walked closer until their bodies were
almost touching and placed her hand on his cheek. “You deserve
better than this, Kent. Better than me. You’re a wonderful guy. You
deserve to be with a girl who will give you all of the love that
she has to offer. Who will appreciate how kind and amazing you
are.” She looked into his eyes, “We can’t do this anymore. Whether
or not things work out with Colin, I won’t be back to use you as my
crutch. But I will always cherish you as my friend.”
    Kent closed his eyes, then turned away. “Can
you give me a minute?” he asked gruffly.
    Briana didn’t say anything, just turned and
went back outside. She didn’t meet Colin’s eyes as she walked over
to where Pete, Nicole, and Kara sat. She sat down, but didn’t join
their conversation. She couldn’t help but picture Kent’s
crestfallen expression before he’d turned from her.
    Before she knew it, the

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