A Convenient Arrangement
swept a glance around the room. “They’ve nixed nearly all my suggestions. Plus, the place we went to earlier?”
    “The Puke Palace?”
    “I’d been thinking of it as the dungeon, but actually, that’s a better name. Yes, that place was their idea.” She waved her hand toward the high-ceilinged room with its polished wood floors. “This will be much too upscale for them. They’re looking for a gritty, hip sort of place. I’m trying to find one that doesn’t have throw up on the floor.”
    “Tall order.” Leo walked toward her, drawn like a magnet to metal. The halo of golden setting sunlight outlined her body.
    “You have no idea.”
    She turned from the window. She was right beside him. Close, very close. Close enough for him to catch the scent of flowers…what kind of flowers? Magnolias? He didn’t know flowers, couldn’t possibly know that, and yet he was sure he was right. Magnolias…the scent was Gwen. A scent that had clung to his body after New Year’s. His shirt and his skin.
    “You have my vote.” Leo’s voice grew husky with her nearness. She had such an impact on him. His attempt to ignore these feelings, to brush them aside, was failing. Gwen took a step back and a look of…discomfort flashed over her face.
    “You’re uncomfortable around me now. Is it because of what happened?”
    “New Year’s Eve?” Gwen pasted an isn’t-that-silly smile onto her face and patted her hair. “No. Not a bit. We discussed New Year’s Eve and we agreed it was a blip, a nothing. Best to pretend that night never happened.”
    “That’s not exactly how I remember the conversation.” Leo took two steps closer and she didn’t back away, didn’t turn. Instead, the pulse in her neck fluttered. “As I recall, I thought our chemistry should be investigated further.” Gwen’s tongue darted over her lower lip. “You,” Leo nodded toward Gwen, “declined.”
    “I did, indeed.” Her gaze was on his mouth. He wanted to reach out, pull her close, and press his lips to hers. If being together meant nothing to her emotionally, then why wouldn’t she agree to explore this outrageous heat that sizzled between them? One night hadn’t been nearly enough for him, and from the look in Gwen’s eyes, that one night hadn’t satisfied her either. Her gaze flicked from his mouth to his eyes.
    The answer hit him, sharp and fast like a jab to the gut, as soon as her eyes met his and he saw the longing she tried so hard to mask with another stiff smile. Gwen’s decision wasn’t just about discretion, or about his family, or about being a busy executive. Her reasons were much simpler. How could he have failed to see the truth? He’d been right all along. He’d been right the morning after. Gwen couldn’t have sex without emotion. A convenient arrangement wasn’t just inconvenient for her right now—a convenient arrangement was an impossibility for Gwen Fleming.
    Leo took a step back. Away from the heat, away from the attraction…away from Gwen. His breath hitched in his lungs. With those long legs and effervescent smile, Gwen was the type of woman any man would be lucky to have in his life, even with the complications of a relationship.
    A relationship ?
    When was the last time he’d considered having a real relationship with a woman?
    “Aubrey will love this space.” Gwen looked away from him and turned back toward the room. “So will Nina. You want to show me the kitchen?” Her eyes sparkled and her lips relaxed into a true smile. A smile that seemed to let him off some hook she’d hung him on. A smile he most likely didn’t deserve. He hadn’t realized, even when he’d doubted her words, hadn’t realized for certain that the night between them did mean more to Gwen than a simple one-night stand.
    Gwen deserved more. Deep breath. Did he want to give her more?
    “I like it when you smile.”
    Gwen’s eyes widened. This moment wasn’t just chemistry and heat. A need to reach out, to pull Gwen

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