Ti Amo
cheek. The soft press of his lips to her cheek caused her lids to grow heavy and her gaze to lower. He moved her hair gently and tucked the long tresses behind her ear. His lips came so close to her ear she could feel the warmth of his breath. “No matter what the betrayal, and how greatly you have disappointed me, I want to seduce you,” he said dropping his hand to her knee and easing it between her legs as she held Eve in her arms.
    “Don’t you dare. Move your hand.”
    Giovanni clenched his jaw and his eyes darkened with anger. Leaning back he stared at her. “Who was he to you?”
    “A friend.”
    “I hear differently. I hear you were once engaged.”
    “Well then why ask me if you aren’t going to believe me?”
    “He acted like more than a friend. And whether you slept with him or not, eventually you were going to allow him to replace me. It was pathetic how you begged for his life. Che peccato .”
    Mira rolled her eyes. Giovanni grunted, and mumbled something under his breath.
    “What happened to you? You’re different.” Mira pressed.
    “I’ll tell you what happened. I believed for two years that the woman I loved died horribly because of me. Yes. It was my fault. What happened to Fabiana I take the blame, without question? What became of you Bella? Was it easy to steal my child and let me suffer? Did you get your revenge? You took something even more precious than my life.” He glanced down at a sleeping Eve. Even in her sleep she sucked on the plug in her mouth. “I may have never known her if Lorenzo hadn’t discovered the truth. You will have to earn my forgiveness. I suggest you start working on it now.”
    “I suggest you go to hell.” Mira unlocked her seatbelt.
    “Where are you going?” Giovanni asked.
    “Any seat is better than one next to you.” She rose with Eve.
    Giovanni grunted and his fist clenched but he didn’t try to stop her. Lorenzo rose from his seat and plopped down in her place.
    “ Vattene! Leave me in peace.”
    “Things aren’t going well?”
    He turned his gaze to the window.
    For several long minutes they coasted through the clouds in silence. Giovanni finally relented and addressed his cousin. “I owe you a debt of gratitude. If it weren’t for you I would not know my daughter existed.” He glanced to Lorenzo. “How long have you known?”
    “A while.”
    “And you said nothing?”
    “I didn’t want you to think it a lie or worse that I had motives, selfish ones. I just wanted you to find her again. And you have. We are best as a team, Gio. For too long you have shut me out of the family. This I understand. But today I proved to you that I deserve more.”
    “ Grazie .” Giovanni mumbled. “I-I do need us to be brothers again. I will speak to Domi about… giving you more responsibility.” Giovanni said.
    “ Prego .” Lorenzo gave a sly smile. “You can trust me. You always could.” He then leaned out of his seat to look to the back where Mira went. He settled back. “A word of advice cousin, you’re being too harsh on the princess.”
    “What?” Giovanni asked.
    “You should be happy now, you’re a father. You have her back. I would give anything to have another chance with Fabiana.”
    “She wants another man.”
    “I don’t think so cousin, I saw that shrine she built to you.”
    “I know she didn’t fuck him,” he grumbled. “It’s much worse.”
    Lorenzo frowned. “I don’t understand. I thought this tension was because of him.”
    “When I say she wants another man, I’m speaking of the man I once was. Not the man I am now. She’s my donna . I knew it then, and I feel it now. If she had slept with him I would see it in her eyes. She didn’t.”
    “You are the man she knew.”
    “If I were, I would be able to summon forgiveness. I’m unable to. The fact remains, she had another man living the life I should have lived with her. Feeding my bambina his lies about me and watching her take her first steps

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