Gentleman's Guide 02 - His Contrary Bride)
finally in control of her emotions, for the moment.
    “Ah, but it did. I have known Parker for
some time. He has never made a promise he couldn’t keep, which is
why he said he would try, not that he would.”
    “You are speaking cryptically again.”
Sabrina sniffled.
    “Hear me out.” He grasped her hand tighter.
“It was beyond Parker to understand why you were a servant and my
cousin, which is why he promised nothing. He had yet to hear the
entire story from you on how you came to be where you were. After
you had told him, it was clear a number of things did not add up,
which is why he brought you here and sought me out.”
    Stiffening, Sabrina looked at her cousin.
“That was not his place. Are you telling me that Marius Parker went
directly to you, and he has not been looking for a new position for
    “That is exactly what I am telling you, and
it is precisely what he should have done.”
    Sabrina groaned. She would never trust
anyone again, at least not a gentleman. “That is the last thing he
should have done. You don’t understand.”
    Ramsey smiled down at his cousin. “No,
Sabrina. You don’t understand.”
    For the next moments Ramsey explained
everything he had learned after Marius had come to him and what
their uncle had done. “Unfortunately, the funds that had been set
aside for your education, introduction to society, and dowry are
    Stunned, Sabrina could only stare at him.
The only question that kept coming to her mind was “Why?’
    “All we can figure is that uncle needed your
wealth enough to sacrifice you. His actions were criminal.”
    “I’m not sure what he did could be
considered criminal. After all, as my guardian, he had the option
to use my funds at his will.” She thought Ramsey was blowing this
horrible situation out of proportion.
    “Yes, criminal,” he argued before telling
her of the affidavit and how he had originally been named as her
guardian. “Apparently your father knew more of Uncle James than we
    Sabrina was having difficulty taking in this
new information.
    “Sabrina.” Ramsey intruded in on her
thoughts. “I am going to make this up to you the best that I
    She smiled sweetly at her cousin, and tried
to dissuade any obligation he might feel. After all, it wasn’t his
fault. “That is very sweet Ramsey, but not necessary. What is done
is done and we will move forward from here.”
    “I am glad you feel that way because I would
like you to return to London with me and Juliet. Stay with us and
let me be the guardian I was meant to be.”
    “No, Ramsey. I will not intrude on your
life. You have a lovely, new wife and I will not disrupt that.”
    “Parker is right. You are
    Opening her mouth, Sabrina began to argue,
but Ramsey stopped her. “You have not reached your age of majority
yet, and it was your father’s wish that I see to your care. I am
not giving you a choice.”
    “Why do gentlemen have to be so
controlling?” She knew he had the upper hand, but only for a few
more months.
    “It is in our nature,” he answered her with
a smile. “I want to introduce you to society in the spring. I
should have insisted two years ago, and I won’t be derelict in my
duty this time.”
    Sabrina rolled her eyes at the waste. “That
is not going to happen. Besides, it will cost a small fortune to
launch me and I cannot afford it. You yourself said the funds
father had left me are gone.” She was not about to let him
sacrifice what little he may have for her.
    “You haven’t been really listening. I don’t
need any of your or our uncle’s money. I am wealthy myself. In
fact, I could launch you three times over plus ten daughters, if I
am so blessed.”
    Sabrina eyed him skeptically. “Juliet must
have been an heiress.”
    Ramsey shook his head. “I did not need to
marry an heiress. I married Juliet because I loved her and would
have married her if she was destitute. My wealth is my own, from
what my own

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