Blood and Bone: (Royal Blood #6)

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Book: Blood and Bone: (Royal Blood #6) by Amity Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amity Cross
it was too late to tell her.
    Knowing I’d never see her beautiful face again tore me apart.
    Her lean, athletic body against mine, her soft lips, her forceful commanding of my body. The moans of pleasure as I drove my cock into her. Her taste, her scent… her fucking heart and soul .
    Now it all culminated with the empty grave her family was burying her memory in on the weekend.
    Smashing my fist against the steering wheel, I pulled myself together and slid from the car. She wouldn’t want me to let my grief define my actions. That wasn’t who Mei was. She would be in my ear, chewing it off trying to get me to bring Moltke to justice.
    Climbing the stairs to my flat, I wondered how Blood, Reid, and Jackson were doing in Berlin. They’d approach me when they needed assistance. It was imperative the details of their operation were kept secret…even from my own agency. Mei had vouched until she was blue in the face for the new incarnation of Agent Cassel and his partner, and if she went to those kinds of lengths, I believed her.
    They were the only three to make it out of Section Seven alive, and they foiled an assassination attempt on Jackson and his family with little to no effort—all on the same day. They were the real deal, and if we had any chance of apprehending the monster, those three were it. Any advantage I could give them, I would not hesitate.
    For Mei.
    The flat across from mine was quiet, the door closed. My neighbors were hardly ever home, and I rarely spoke to them, but I knew the woman worked in advertising, and the man ran some kind of financial advisement business. He’d accosted me on more than one occasion in the parking garage trying to sell his expertise. Right now, silence was the only thing coming from the other side of their door.
    Sighing, I slid my key into my lock and turned, then moved to the deadbolt. At first, I thought it might’ve been my emotional state of mind playing tricks on me, but out of habit more than anything, I hesitated.
    Something wasn’t right.
    The deadbolt wasn’t engaged, and I always made sure it was in place before leaving every morning. Without fail, I went through the procedure in securing my residence as my training dictated.
    Someone had been here… or still was .
    Drawing my gun, I raised it and clicked off the safety. I pushed the door open with the toe of my shoe, and it creaked as it moved inward into the darkness. Tracking the barrel of my weapon in front of me, I swept the hallway, leaning into the adjoining kitchen.
    The darkness was broken by the orange glow of the street lamps shining through the windows in the living room, but I didn’t need anything to illuminate my progress. I knew this place like the back of my hand. Every loose floorboard, every chip in the paint, the location of every light switch, the place I’d left my empty coffee cup, the items of clothing Mei had left in my closet…and the scent of her perfume that still clung to the sheets on my bed.
    Stepping into the lounge room, I turned sharply as movement flickered in my peripheral vision, my gun mirroring my movement perfectly. I’d always had the highest ranking in marksmanship in training.
    The lamp beside the armchair flicked on, and my gaze collided with Moltke’s.
    Snarling, I stepped forward, aiming my gun at the monster who murdered the woman I loved.
    “Not so fast, Folsom,” he said, pointing his own gun at me.
    “You deserve to die,” I said, rage beginning to cloud my judgment. He took Mei from me. The only woman I’d ever loved.
    “If we’re going to play the blame game, let’s start with MI6,” he replied, rising to his feet.
    “What did the agency ever do to you?” I snarled.
    His face contorted, and he lunged. His bulky form slammed into mine and dislodged the gun from my hand.
    We collided with the bookshelf, sending paperbacks flying, and photo frames and ornaments smashed on the hardwood floor.
    “What do you want, Moltke?” I asked as we

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