Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet
the standard low-fat diet advice that has become so many doctors’ default position on nutrition. When her patients failed to see the kind of health improvements she was expecting, she just assumed they weren’t following her advice very well. But after watching patient after patient fail to lose weight or improve their health despite frequent conversations she had with them about diet and exercise, Dr. Wolver knew there had to be a better way.

    Most of my clients are just amazed at how great they feel. And unlike with other diets, you aren’t starving all day long and battling cravings. You get to eat tasty, full-fat foods and don’t get any cravings. There is a sense of freedom for most people since they no longer think about food all day, as they used to on low-fat diets.
    – Maria Emmerich
    It wasn’t until Dr. Wolver hit middle age herself that she realized why her patients were so unsuccessful on the low-fat diet. She suddenly found, she said, that “my own advice didn’t even work for me!”
    “Despite my adherence to a low-fat diet and exercise, every time I got on the scale I weighed more,” Dr. Wolver explained. “That’s when I first started thinking the advice I had been giving might actually be wrong.”
    She attempted to cut calories and reduce her fat intake, but it just didn’t work. In fact, Dr. Wolver even decided to go on a low-carb diet, but she combined that with a low-fat diet, with predictable results. “I was hungry all of the time,” she recalled. “That was no good because I couldn’t stick with it.”
Counting calories is likely not very helpful for most people. On a ketogenic diet you will be less hungry and your improved brain function will guide you in the amount of food you should be eating. Isn’t it marvelous to have your brain back?
    – Dr. Bill Wilson
    But Dr. Wolver had an epiphany when she heard physician and researcher Dr. William S. Yancy, Jr., give a talk entitled “Taking the Fat Out of the Fire,” in which he discussed the health benefits of a low-carb, high-fat, ketogenic approach to nutrition. She “was hooked.” Dr. Wolver immediately began putting herself into a state of ketosis and the weight poured off and stayed off, and all without the intense hunger she had previously experienced. These days, she uses herself as a prime example for her patients of how ketogenic diets can help them with their weight and health issues.
    “I now teach this to my patients and have had overwhelming success ‘reversing’ many of the conditions I spent years simply managing before,” Dr. Wolver said. “I have taken patients off their insulin, blood pressure medications, and CPAP machines while watching their cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar numbers improve.”

    I have seen mood stabilization, reduced or eliminated depression, reduced or eliminated anxiety, improved cognitive functioning, greatly enhanced and evened-out energy levels, cessation of seizures, improved overall neurological stability, cessation of migraines, improved sleep, improvement in autistic symptoms, improvements with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), improved gastrointestinal functioning, healthy weight loss, cancer remissions and tumor shrinkage, much better management of underlying previous health issues, improved symptoms and quality of life in those struggling with various forms of autoimmunity (including many with type 1 and 1.5 diabetes), fewer colds and flus, total reversal of chronic fatigue, improved memory, sharpened cognitive functioning, and significantly stabilized temperament. And there is quality evidence to support the beneficial impact of a fat-based ketogenic approach in all these types of issues.
    – Nora Gedgaudas
    Dr. Wolver says these kind of results make using a ketogenic therapeutic approach worth it despite the general negativity about low-carb, high-fat diets.
    “This is the most fun I have had in my career practicing

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