Her Old-Fashioned Boss
for it, except for the fact that it was cheap and the doors had deadbolts on them.
    “Why?” she asked, her alcohol swamped brain clearing slightly. “Is he so eager to fire me?” Hurt assuaged her at the thought. Of course he’d want her gone, he wouldn’t want any memory of what they’d nearly done together.
    “Actually, he said he’s been calling to apologize. He’s coming here.”
    “What?” Ava squealed. “Here? I need to leave.”
    McKenna reached over and pushed her gently back into her seat. “No. What you need to do is sit here and wait for him. I think you need to hear him out, Ava.”
    “Why? So he can tell me he regrets what nearly happened and that it would be best if I left?”
    “No, because you obviously have feelings for him and you’ll regret it forever if you don’t at least hear him out.” McKenna looked at her critically. “First though, we need to get some water into you or you’re not going to remember any of this tomorrow.”
    “On it,” Asia said, rising.
    Ava sat and waited with little patience, sipping at the water Asia brought her. What did he want? Why had he been trying to call her? Couldn’t firing her have waited until tomorrow?
    And then she saw him, stepping into the nightclub, looking like a God with his wide shoulders and deep-seated confidence. People gave him a wide berth as he walked past them, as though they sensed something powerful about him.
    Sam walked beside him, so close they brushed against each other. He had a small smile on his face, his blue eyes gazing around in interest.
    As though sensing her stare, Roarke turned, his eyes zeroing in on her. He said something to Sam who also turned and...
    “Did the blond one just wink at you?” Asia asked.
    Ava nodded. “That’s Sam.”
    “He’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen,” Casey breathed. Ava noticed then that all of her friends were staring at the two men, riveted by them.
    “They’re like darkness and light,” Asia said.
    “Angel and demon,” Casey added.
    Ava frowned, upset at the analogies. “They’re just men, and Roarke isn’t all bad and Sam isn’t all good.”
    “I sure as hell hope not,” McKenna said with reverence. “Damn girl, I’m surprised you haven’t jumped their bones before this, how could you resist them?”
    “They’re gay, remember? And my bosses,” she added.
    Then they were there, before her.
    “Ava.” Roarke crouched by her chair, shocking her so much that she made no protest when he grabbed her hands in his, clasping them tight. “I am so sorry for earlier. I acted like an asshole when I was so cold to you and I have no excuse. I’ve come to beg for your forgiveness and to ask that you give Sam and myself a chance to talk to you.”
    Ava gaped at him, surprised by the apology. It was sincere, no doubt about that, but she’d never expected it, especially like this, with him practically on his knees before her.
    She nodded. “You’re forgiven.” She’d never been able to hold a grudge anyway, and she’d find it especially hard in the face of this man’s apology.
    “Ahh, sweet, don’t give in so easy,” Sam told her with a grin, looking inordinately pleased. “You should make him work for it.”
    Roarke glared up at him. “Do we need another session, pet?”
    Ava shivered, now knowing the significance of that nickname he had for Sam. The blond man lowered his gaze, but obviously couldn’t suppress his cat-got-the-cream grin.
    Roarke sighed and turned back to Ava, rubbing his thumbs over the tops of her hands. “So I’m forgiven?”
    She nodded and looked up at Sam with misgiving, wondering how much he knew. “I’m as much at fault as you are. I figured you were probably coming here to fire me.”
    Roarke’s eyes widened. “No, baby. Not at all. And most of this rests on my shoulders, I don’t want you feeling one bit of guilt, understand?”
    “So Sam knows what nearly happened?” she whispered.
    “Sam knows,” Sam whispered

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