witnessed, the winds strong enough to bring down a great number of valuable trees in your lordship’s forest, I sent men to investigate the damage. It was God’s will that I did so, for they discovered Lady Matilda wandering the shore, stunned and confused, amidst the shattered remnants of her vessel and the drowned bodies of her men. She stood in the carnage immaculately clad in a finespun kirtle, a substantial gold cross studded with precious stones draped around her neck. Father Bartholomew believes the cross protected her. All are calling it a miracle.
    There were no other survivors. The lady’s traveling party, attendants, and men-at-arms have all perished. I regret to inform you that Bertram and Gawyn, whom you sent to accompany the lady, were among those whose bodies were recovered.
    You will recall, my lord, that we did not expect the lady so soon. Her party must have made remarkably good time in their travels, setting sail earlier than planned. Their very speed proved a curse as they sailed into the fury of the fatal storm. We are not yet prepared for Lady Matilda’s presence, let alone the guests and banquets to follow. The cloth for the household’s new attire is still being cut and sewn; the buttery remains almost bare of wine; I have yet to purchase sufficient wheat after the failure of your last crop. Moreover, in terms of household economy, we can no longer count on what the lady was expected to bring with her. All that could be found or salvaged were seven barrels of wine, a single kirtle of Lincoln scarlet, a cloak lined in miniver, and the lady’s jewel box. As for the remainder of her valuable clothing and worldly goods, the sea has swallowed them whole.
    I have taken the liberty of engaging the cook’s sister Beatrix to attend her ladyship until such time as more suitable companionship may be arranged. She is a woman of middling age, not given to drink, and though lacking in refinement, she provides practical ministrations in additionto accompanying the lady as modesty requires. Such service is all the more essential as it is feared Lady Matilda’s mind may have been affected by her ordeal. When found, she was speaking oddly, apparently unaware of her own name, as well as the fact that she was bound for Berringstoke.
    Given these developments and the possible risks to her ladyship’s health, not to mention all that hinges on her presence, I beg you, my lord, to return at the earliest opportunity.
    The trees downed by the storm will at least provide a sufficiency of wood for burning. I pray you inform me if I am to take venison in your park against your arrival. I suggest we purchase wine in the amount expected but lost in the storm as soon as a good price may be arranged. I await your approval on these as on all things, that your business may prosper.
    I remain, my lord, your most obedient and respectful servant,
    Eustace, Steward of Berringstoke


    M y limbs are so heavy I can’t move. I drift in and out from the ocean of sleep to the shore of day, still clutching a dream full of hoofbeats and barking dogs and woodsmoke. Each time I start to wake, another wave tugs me back out into the vast darkness. I give in. There’s no morning sun on my eyelids, no need to leap up and put on the kettle, or iron my dress and apron before I head off to work. And I don’t want to wake, with my bed more delicious than usual, and the covers under my fingers as soft as fur… .
    I sit upright, feeling around in the dark. Yes, that’s fur under my fingers, and heavy curtains around me, sheltering a womb of a bed.
    It wasn’t a dream. I’m in the castle.
    How long was I asleep? I peek out the curtain and blink in the sudden brightness. It was midday when I climbed into bed, but this is morning light. I must have slept all yesterday and through the night. It was that drink, that warm bitter drink she poured down my throat! My lady , that’s what she called me. They all think I’m some lady they

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