Road to Reality

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Book: Road to Reality by Natalie Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Ann
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
sister’s in-laws let you borrow their boat?” she asked in disbelief.
    “Yeah, they’re great people.  Anyway, they live here on the lake too, along with my sister and her husband, Lucas, and Lucas’s brother Ryan.  Actually Brooke and Lucas’s house is only down the road, a pretty fast walk from here. I tend to go down and mooch dinner off her a lot.” He looked at her, his eyes full of humor. “I want to get a boat, but I’m not sure what yet. Definitely not this, it’s not quite my style.  Lucas has the jet skis, and Ryan the speedboat, so no rush at the moment, since everyone seems to borrow off of each other.”
    Beth couldn’t fathom that, everyone living on the lake and borrowing watercrafts like they were a cup of sugar. Mac and his sister and her husband must have all come from money.  Beth was lucky the electricity didn’t get shut off more than twice a year when she was growing up.
    She continued to look out at the water quietly, reminiscing about her depressing childhood, when Mac turned toward her. He let go of her hand and lifted his to her face, cupping her cheek, then gently ran his thumb along her jaw. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while now,” he said softly, leaning in close.
    His lips settled over hers tenderly at first, testing the waters, letting her get used to the feel of him.  When she didn’t pull back, he deepened the kiss a bit more, parting his lips and running his tongue over her upper lip, urging her to participate, then whispered, “Open for me.”
    She obeyed and he slid inside her mouth, his tongue touching and tasting hers, encouraging her to join in.  She leaned into him mimicking his actions, drawing a groan from deep within his throat.
    He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer, letting her feel the rock hard length of his body pressed against hers.  His torso against her chest, his hips against her, as the kissing continued, not breaking for air—she never wanted this moment to end.
    When it did, all to soon, she leaned back and laid her hand on his whiskered cheek, smiling fondly at him. “Zoe was right, it’s soft.”
    He pulled her closer, hugging her to him. “What am I going to do with you?” he murmured quietly, but she still heard him.
    Mac peeked over at Beth’s legs that were stretched out in the chaise lounge next to him on the deck.  Today she was wearing a pair of brown shorts riding high on her thighs, exposing even more leg the way she was seated. A loose-fitting light green sleeveless top in deference to the late June humidity and brown leather sandals that were currently lying on the wooden deck completed her look.
    Her ankles were crossed, showcasing her pale blue pedicure. This time her big toe was decorated with white stripes.  She sure had pretty feet, he thought.
    He looked up when he noticed how quiet it had gotten and saw she was watching him stare at her legs, causing him to shrug ruefully. 
    They had been sitting on the deck for over an hour chatting about life in general.  He had been entertaining her with ridiculously funny comments his young patients had said over the years. “I’m telling you, parents have no clue what their children hear or perceive is going on.  Adults always think kids are too young to understand, or can’t hear them, and they never learn,” he added, chuckling. “Young kids have no filters. They say what is on their mind and always know more than you think they do.”
    “Thanks for the warning,” she said with a heartfelt laugh. “I’ll pay more attention to what I’m doing and where Zoe is at all times now.”
    “Somehow I don’t think you’ve done much that would warrant her telling stories.”
    She paused and asked, “So why did you move? It seems to me you were pretty happy at your last job.”
    He reached over and held his hand out, palm open, waiting for her before he answered. She finally got the hint and placed her hand in his, threading their fingers

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