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Book: Unattainable by Madeline Sheehan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madeline Sheehan
date,” I shot
back. “I was at Hayley’s.”
    “ Yeah?” he said, and
laughed. “You expect me to believe she wasn’t tryin’ to hook your
ass up with one of those dick-suckin’ friends of hers? Those
fuckers who got pussies where their assholes should be?”
    He kissed me before I could respond, a
brutal kiss, all teeth, biting and sucking on my lips, popping
blood vessels, and splitting skin. I closed my eyes, reveling in
the pain. I wanted it rough tonight, to make me forget for a few
minutes what the span of years could not.
    I needed to focus on something,
anything but the nagging memories.
    I kissed him harder, this time plunging
my tongue into his mouth, and a throaty, pleased growl erupted from
the back of his throat. “We fuckin’ dirty tonight, baby?” he
    “ Yes,” I mumbled against
his mouth.
    “ Good,” he grunted,
shoving me off him and face first onto the couch. Behind me, he
pulled down his boxers and then he pushed against my
    “ Break’s over,” he
    “ Make it hurt,” I
whispered into the couch, letting my tears fall freely now that he
couldn’t see me.
    “ Not a fuckin’ problem,”
he whispered back.

    Cage pulled up to his father’s house, a
log cabin that could no more be considered a cabin than a New York
City penthouse could be considered an apartment. He cut his engine
and glanced up at the home that, for the most part, he’d grown up
in, and let out a long-suffering sigh.
    Because neither he nor Danny lived at
home anymore, weekly dinners were a thing now, mandatory by way of
Eva, who was insistent that they all spend some quality time
    For the most part Cage appreciated her
efforts, loved her for trying so hard, but dinner at the West home
almost always ended in catastrophe, usually because of his
stubborn-as-fuck father always giving him shit. He couldn’t do
anything right in his old man’s eyes. Nothing. As far as his father
was concerned, he was a useless asshole who couldn’t keep it in his
    Forget that it was him who, when his
old man was off doing whatever the fuck he felt like and their
mother was off drinking herself to death, Cage was taking care of
Danny. Then later, after he brought Eva home with a difficult
pregnancy, he’d left Cage to pick up his slack. And even later,
when his old man couldn’t seem to hack it yet again, Cage had been
taking care of Ivy too.
    Yeah, Deuce liked to conveniently
forget all that. It always came back to sex.
    And, what the fuck ever, his old man
was a hypocrite. Just because, now, the asshole wasn’t sticking his
dick in everything that showed his old ass any interest didn’t mean
it had always been that way. Before Eva, Christ, even during Eva,
Deuce had been fucking bitches left and right.
    Cage never understood that. When you
had a woman like Eva, hot as fuck and willing to do anything his
old man wanted, loved the bastard even, why the fuck would you
stray from that?
    If he had a good woman, an old lady
dedicated to him and the club, someone with a clean past who didn’t
spread her legs for every motherfucker out there, he’d never touch
another woman.
    Shaking his head, Cage swung his leg
over his bike and started for the porch.
    The door was unlocked, so he kicked his
boots off in the foyer and headed left through the living room. In
the family room, he found his youngest sister, Ivy; his
three-year-old niece, Danny and Ripper’s daughter, Harley; Cox and
Kami’s kids, Devin and Diesel; and to his surprise, Christopher,
Dorothy’s four-year-old son, all seated around the flat screen TV.
With the exception of Christopher and Harley, they all had
controllers in their hands, their eyes glued to the violent video
game on the screen in front of them.
    He nudged his little sister’s leg with
his foot. “Yo, princess,” he said.
    Ivy glanced up and her perfect little
face split into a huge grin. “CAGE!”
    The next thing he knew she was in his
arms, her legs

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